Web For Educators 2



Web 2.0 for Educators

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Web 2.0 for Education

Argosy UniversitySpring Academic Conference

Jesse LeraasApril 22, 2009

How computer savvy are you?

Digital Native

Digital Immigrant

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. Retrieved April 13, 2009, from http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20-%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf

Digital Native Characteristics:• Multimedia oriented • Web-based • Less fear of failure • Instant gratification/Impatient • Nonlinear • Multi-tasker • Active involvement • Very creative/Expressive • Less structured • Extremely social

• Egocentric/Myspace/Myportal• Striving to be independent• Feel a sense of entitlement • Preference for electronic

environments • Have electronic friends • Share a common language • Risk takers • Constant engagement • All information is equal

What is Web 2.0?The 2nd generation of the

World Wide Web, especially the movement

away from static webpages to dynamic and shareable content

and social networking. (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Web_2.0)

What We’ll Cover…BloggingBlogging



Social Social NetworkingNetworking

Photo-Sharing/Photo-Sharing/Presentation Presentation SharingSharing Microblogging/Microblogging/

Instant MessagingInstant MessagingSocial Bookmarking


Why Educators Blog:

• Journaling– Reflective Learning

• Facilitating Discussions– Chat, Debate, Reflect– “a swap meet for the mind”– Learn about challenges that other institutions are facing

• Post Assignments• Post Links to Resources or Current Issues

Some Educational Blogs

• The Chronicle of Higher Education• Teaching College Math• Mr. C's Class Blog• Computer Writing and Research Lab UT@Austin

Blog Support• SupportBlogging.com

Blogs & Wikis

Why Educators wiki:

• Involve Students in the Creative Process• Engage Students Outside of the Classroom• Mostly Free and Rather Easy• Open and Accessible• Safe and Secure• Organized

Why Educators wiki:

• Student Journaling• Personal Porfolios• Collaborative Knowledge Base• Post Resources• Post Assignments

Some Educational Wikis:

• English 1200 Service-Learning @ ECU

• Forensics @ Hamilton

• Web Writing & Participatory Culture, UW @ Madison

• Wiki Support– Wikis in Education

Social Bookmarking

Why Educators Use Social Bookmarking:

• Collect and Share Online Resources• Accessible Anywhere• Point Students Toward Authoritative

Information• Collaborative Tool

Photo-sharing and Presentation Sharing

Why Educators Flickr:

• Upload, Browse, Store Images• Create/Organize/Manage Photo Sets• Privacy Settings • Easy to Use• It’s Free!• Searchable

A few Searches:Dental CariesEmbryonic Stem CellYellow-rumped Warbler

Why Educators Slideshare:

• Share your Presentations!• Find Presentations on a Topic!

Social Networking

Why Educators use Social Networking:

• Myspace and Facebook– Not the optimal educational tool

• LinkedIn.com– Professional networking tool

• Possible Alternative?– NING.com

Why Educators Ning:

• Specific Audience• Share Ideas• Collaborate!

Podcasts and Videos

Why Educators Podcast/Vodcast:

• Presentations• Vignettes• Groupwork• Examples


Jack Attack!


Why Educators Tweet:

• Easy Communication Channel• Distribute Information

– Changes to assignments, class, etc.– Events– URLS

• Share Ideas/Quick Notes/Factoids• Share Experiences/Build Relationships• Quick Q&A• Community Building

Instant Messaging

Why Educators IM:

• Virtual Office Hours?

