Tutorial on Network Management and Security in Wireless Communications (Bandung, 15 February 2014)


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IEEE Seminar

Time: Saturday/

February 15th 2014

09:00 WIB to 14:30 WIB

Location: Ruang Multimedia,

Lt. 2 Learning Center Building.

Telkom University

Jl.Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu


Registration: Registration Fee: IDR 40.000

Mandiri: 167-00-0033260-0

a/n Bhaskara Narottama

The course will be conducted in Bahasa

Indonesia, snack, lunch, and certificate will

be provided for the registered participants.

Please confirm your registration by fill up

the enclosed registration form, attach your

transfer payment receipt, and kindly send it

before February 13th 2014 to


More information:

Bhaskara 082115525138


Tutorial on Network Management and Security

IEEE Seminar

Terusan Buah Batu,

The course will be conducted in Bahasa

Indonesia, snack, lunch, and certificate will

be provided for the registered participants.

by fill up

the enclosed registration form, attach your

transfer payment receipt, and kindly send it



Network Management and Security

in Wireless Communications

IEEE Student Branch IT Telkom

on Network Management and Security


Agenda: 08.15 - 08.45: Registration

08.45 - 09.00: Opening

09.00 - 10.00: Network Management Concepts

10.00 - 11.00: Operations Process Models

11.00 - 12.00: Network Management Protocols

12.00 - 13.00: Break

13.00 - 14.00: Security Requirements

14.00 - 14.30: Closing

Keeping a wireless network in the operational state and making

it secure are two of the key challenges facing network operators. The tutorial begins with some newly added sections introducing

the participant to network management, overviewing the

fundamental concepts. A separate section is devoted to operations process models developed by the TeleManagement

Forum. Then the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is presented. The other part of the

security issues related to wirelessecurity basics and continues with network access control,

wireless LAN security, Robust Security Networks (RSNs), and 3G


The course is based on Wireless Communications Engineering Technologies (WCET). The IEEE Commuhas designed the IEEE WCET certification program to address the worldwide wireless industry’s growing and everqualified communication professionals who can demonstrate practical problem-solving skills in real-world situations. Individuals who achieve this certification will be recognized as having the required knowledge, skill, and ability to meet wireless challenges in various industry, business, corporate, and organizational settings. For, more detail on IEEE-WCET, please kindly visit: http://www.ieee

Network Management and Security

in Wireless Communications

Student Branch IT Telkom proudly present a Tutorial

and Security in Wireless

Network Management Concepts

Operations Process Models

Network Management Protocols

Security Requirements

Keeping a wireless network in the operational state and making

it secure are two of the key challenges facing network operators. The tutorial begins with some newly added sections introducing

the participant to network management, overviewing the

al concepts. A separate section is devoted to operations process models developed by the TeleManagement

Forum. Then the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) part of the tutorial covers various

security issues related to wireless networking. It starts with security basics and continues with network access control,

wireless LAN security, Robust Security Networks (RSNs), and 3G

The course is based on Wireless Communications Engineering Technologies (WCET). The IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc) has designed the IEEE WCET certification program to address the worldwide wireless industry’s growing and ever-evolving need for qualified communication professionals who can demonstrate practical

world situations. Individuals who achieve this certification will be recognized as having the required knowledge, skill, and ability to meet wireless challenges in various industry, business, corporate, and organizational settings. For, more detail on

WCET, please kindly visit: http://www.ieee-wcet.org
