The hypewithinstagram




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The Hype with

"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

The Facts

• Gains one new user every second

• Over one billion photos have been taken with the app

• Roughly 58 photos are uploaded each second

• 40 million photos shared each day

• 8500 "likes" per second

• 1000 comments per second


What We Asked

General Questions About Usage

• When did you create your Instagram account?

• Is your account private or public?

• If your account is private why did you chose to do this?

• What do you mainly post pictures of?

• What is the most interesting aspect of the app? Public Self vs. Private Self

• Does it matter to you the number of followers you have acquired?

• What is the difference between the pictures you post on Facebook versus Instagram?

Why do You Do It?

• Does the app. make you feel artistic?

• How do you use the filters?

• Do you think Facebook or Twitter should add these kind of filters?

Why Do Users Love Instagram?

When Did Instagram Usage Spike?

• April 2012- Instagram Available for Android

What Are People Posting?

What Do You Mainly Post Pictures Of?

Based Off Our Survey:

Top Categories

- Friends

- Pets

- Food/Drinks

- City Landscape

- Nature

- #TBT (Throwback Thursday)

Pets FamilyFriends

#TBT (Throwback Thursday)


"Because why not Instagram your own eye?"

Compliments Guaranteed

• The caption says it all..why not post a picture of your own eye?

• Instagram is the ultimate excuse when looking for compliments

• Filters are there to enhance the coloring and create an "edgy" almost editorial picture

• "Your eyes are so blue<3"

• Are they really that blue or is that just the work of our favorite filters?

• The random pictures that seem so normal on Instagram would rarely be found on Facebook

• Pictures of nails, food, buildings. etc have become the norm on Instagram

• These pictures are perceived as artsy or ones that speak to the user's personality

Instagram: 20 likes Facebook: 0

Ordinary Images Become Artistic

“I like Instagram because you get to view the world in a whole new light, a photographic light, and it really enables people to highlight the beautiful parts of the world. Even if that means those beautiful parts are recently painted fingernails or whatever haha. I think it differs from other social media sites because there isn't necessarily a chance for negative comments or stigmas to be expressed. Everyone on Instagram seems to be there to have fun and enjoy photos that celebrate what people are doing in their lives and just life in general.” Chris Roys

Do You Feel Like an Artist When Using the App?

The Statue of David

Art imitating artIconic piece of artwork isn't safe from Instagram's


The Power of Black & White

• The app allows you to instantly make a photo seem old or worn out

• Communicates nostalgia

• Today's culture values products or images considered "vintage"

Public vs. Private

Public vs. Private

"My account is private because I don't like

the idea of any random person with an Instagram being

able to see my pictures. They'd be able to figure out so much about me just by viewing my pics and could probably find me if it came

down to it!" -@manda_coops426

Instagram is for Unique Pictures

So Why Instagram Over Facebook?

Logic behind Facebook:

• Serves as a database where you can archive and store many pictures that have happened

• Allows for photo albums of events

• Gives friends an idea of your identity

Logic behind Instagram:

• Real time stream of events

• Attached to mobile devices, so there's this "do it now" aspect

• Photos become this meaningful moment of real-time

Users Don't Post All of Their Instagram Pictures to Facebook

Popular Page and #Hashtags

Popular Page/ Hashtags

Popular Page

"Instagram has used [hashtags] to great effect for a while. And if you're an average social media user, you will probably have a much easier time gaining followers with hashtags on Instagram for two reasons: One, when you search for a hashtag there, it’s much easier to scroll through photos and click and add users you like than it is to read lots of individual tweets about a topic. Secondly, though Instagram’s user base is growing rapidly, right now it’s still substantially smaller than Twitter’s, so the amount of people using the same hashtag at once is more manageable."


So Why Are People Migrating to This App?

So Why Are People Migrating to This App?

"Because it's not like Facebook where people literally upload every single

picture from their night. I don't need to see the million different ways you posed

last night while you were out. On Instagram, people generally choose to upload only one really good picture. It's

usually their funniest or most artistic photo, which makes the pictures posted

a lot more intriguing. As opposed to viewing a million boring pictures on Facebook, you can view one really

awesome picture on Instagram... less is more!!"


Where is Instagram Going?

Front page Instagram photo of Alex Rodriguez taken by a professional photographer via Getty Images

Where is Instagram Going?

• NYTimes photo started new conversation about Instagram becoming a journalistic tool

• Potential downfall of traditional photography

• Instagram "Beauty Contests"

Conclusion• Instagram is a unique app that allows users to

express themselves in a creative manner

• The "real time" updates are the driving force to the success of the app and makes it different from Facebook

• Facebook should not incorporate filters like Instagram does because Facebook is typically used for uploading albums rather than one individual photo

• Instagram is becoming a credible photo source that many companies are using for branding
