The end is the beginning: the challenges of digital resources post-digitisation



This is a presentation I gave to students from the Pratt Institute NY and the University of Tennessee Knoxville as part of King's College's Strand Symposium on Digital Scholarship and ePublishing in June 2013. It focuses on the challenges of sustaining digitised resources and offers: - a cautionary tale - some facts and figures - some good examples

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The end is the beginning:the challenges of digital

resources post-digitisationPaola Marchionni, Programme Manager Digitisation @paolamarchionni

The end of a digitisation project marks the beginning of the public life

of a digital resource.

That’s why it’s important to plan for its sustainabilityas part of the development of the project.

But what is sustainability all about? What are the challenges?

2. Some facts & figures

1. A cautionary tale(with a happy ending)

3. Some good examples

1. A cautionary tale(with a happy ending)

the SALIDAA digital archive was created:

1. A cautionary tale (with a happy ending)

- Launched in 2004

- 1000s of images and text resources on literature, music,

visual and performing arts by UK-based South Asian artists

- Funded originally by the New Opportunities Fund

- Initial budget £250,000

- - Further grants post-2004

- Today physical archive at Brunel University

Once upon a time…

the SALIDAA digital archive url takes you to:

1. A cautionary tale (with a happy ending)

- In 2012 (?) SALIDAA ran into problems with its

developers who were also hosting the web site

- The developers held SALIDAA “at ransom” and

eventually took the web site down

- And with it went the url

- (The South Asian lawyers seemed to like not only

SALIDAA’s url but also its logo’s typeface)


the SALIDAA digital archive survives on the VADS site (Visual Arts Data Service)

1. A cautionary tale (with a happy ending)

- As part of the digitisation project, SALIDAA deposited its

digital assets with VADS and could survive without a

dedicated web site

- SALIDAA has received HLF funding for new activities

and a web site

- SALIDAA on VADS is top of Google search results

- However, SALIDAA has little web presence or



- successful in top 10 results for very specific searches (eg South

Asian diaspora”) or artists with little web coverage (Samena Rana,

AWWC)- no results for other relevant but

wider searches (eg South Asian arts) or when artists have coverage

somewhere else on web

SALIDAA Google search results

- Existing links to take you to the

South Asian lawyers site

- The current SALIDAA page on Brunel University web site does not

link to VADS!

SALIDAA hyperlinks

Unpacking sustainability

- SALIDAA could say “No” to

the developers because archive was on VADS.

- However, sustainability is not just about robust technical

infrastructure and digital preservation.

- It is also about ensuring a digital resource is kept current

and can easily be found and used.

Technical maintenance

IPR and licencing

Editorial currency


Use and embedding

Measuring impact

Resources: financial, staffing, in-kind


2. Some facts and figures

Digitisation and post-digitisation context

The majority of UK Higher Education research libraries (RLUK members) have engaged in digitisation projects

• 97% of respondents to a recent RLUK-OCLC survey have completed at least one special collections digitisation project and/or have an active digitisation programme that includes special collections

• 40% can undertake projects only with special funding, while one-third have a recurring budget for digitisation

• More than 40% have licensing contracts with commercial vendors to digitise materials and sell access.

Digitisation and post-digitisation context

Special collections are recognised as strategically important to institutions

• “special collections and archives play a key role in differentiating each institution from its peers” (RLUK p15)

• “over 80% [of respondents] agreed that digitized special collections are critical to our current strategic direction” (ARL)

Digitisation and post-digitisation context

However, not much is known about users and how collections are being used

• Although overall use of special collections (not just digitised) by all types of users has increased, 90% of user “type” is not known (RLUK p16)

• Outreach and fundraising , among others, identified as biggest challenges and areas where staff are in need of training (RLUK p16)

• No established metrics for assessing user services (RLUK p16)

• Once collections have been digitised, little investment is made in understanding the needs of audiences: 43% of libraries gather analytics but far less conduct any qualitative research (ARL)

Digitisation and post-digitisation context

Sustainability of digitised collections still relies on fairly traditional models

• Many projects draw support from host institution typically for storage, preservation, access, but this is not budgeted or guaranteed (SCA-Ithaka p4)

• No much effort or budget goes towards enhancement of resources created (ARL p2)

• No much effort goes towards revenue generation activities (SCA-Ithaka p4) often seen in conflict with institutional/open mission (ARL p24)

• Revenue generation activities (eg content licencing or print on demand), gain only on average 21% of the total cost of maintaining the collection in the previous year, median only 10% (ARL p27)

Digitisation and post-digitisation context: useful publications• Survey of Special Collections and Archives in the United Kingdom and Ireland. RLUK-OCLC, 2013

• Sustaining our Digital Future: Institutional Strategies for Digital Content. Jisc/SCA-Ithaka S+R, 2013

• Appraising our Digital Investment: Sustainability of Digitized Special Collections in ARL [Association of Research Libraries] S+R, 2013

More publications on sustainability and business models from Jisc/SCA at

3. Some good examples

Vision of Britain

- Very popular resource of historical maps and data - Not much institutional

support from Portsmouth University

- But a very dedicated academic champion

(can have its drawbacks)- Average 200k

visitors/month (not typical for academic web sites!)

- Revenue from GoogleAds Dec2012-May2013 over

£10,000- Successful because v large

user base and ‘findability’

Sustainability: revenues

Connected HistoriesManuscripts Online

- Aggregators of digital collections for

federated searches- Humanities Research Institute, Uni Sheffield

- Charging matrix: cost of adding and storing new data

- Successful because costs are transparent and small

(£1,000-4,000 per collection)- Costed to achieve surplus

- CH doubled number of collections added since

launch (22 total as of Jun`13)

Sustainability: revenues


- Digitised resources for teaching and learning British industrial past

- Uni of Leicester Library - Discovery based on open

technical and licensing approaches eg:

- CC-BY-NC content licence - CC0 metadata licence

- enabling re-use by aggregators such as Jorum,

Culture Grid, Europeana, Summon through API, OAI-

PMH and social media

- Collecting usage data

Sustainability: discovery

“Discovery” case study

Social media-

Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource: links in Wikipedia to Home

page and deep links to other pages

- Wikipedia top referral site after direct access to site

- Manuscripts Online: Facebook is third top

referral after Google and direct access

- Bomb Sight: web site went viral after Twitter frenzy

and spiked at 360 visitors per minute

Sustainability: discovery

Toolkit for the Impact of Scholarly Digitised

- Resources, tools and case studies on how to measure

usage and impact - Popular ones:

webometrics (links analysis), analytics, citations, content analysis, referrers analysis)

- General principles:

view multiple sources of evidenceintegrate impact measure in

design of resource monitor regularly but don’t

become bogged down with itimpact takes a long time

Sustainability: impact

See also Measuring the Impact of Digital Resources, Simon Tanner

Thank youPaola Marchionni

Image credit cover slide 10:
