Testing the Grails Spring Security Plugins


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Testing the Grails Spring Security Plugins

Testing the Grails Spring Security Plugins

Burt Beckwith, SpringSource@burtbeckwithhttp://burtbeckwith.com/blog/

Unit tests are not an option

Unit Tests

Spring Security is implemented as a filter chainIf you use unit testing, mocks, etc. you only test the mocks

Ok, so what about integration tests?

Integration Tests

Spring Security is implemented as a filter chainIf you use integration testing, mock request, response, etc. you still don't have a real filter chain

But there are uses for integration tests

Integration Tests

Grails integration tests are unit tests + Spring + DB + pluginsSo you can test the configuration

There's no servlet container, but you can test servicesSo ACL testing (both Spring Security and Shiro) is a good fit here

Damn, so I have to use functional tests?


Functional tests

Ideal for security testingMake many real requests against a real, properly configured web server

Test authentication, authorization, configuration - everything

Functional tests

Functional test pluginsI use http://grails.org/plugin/functional-test (version 1.2.7)

Geb is a great option - http://www.gebish.org/Webdriver/Selenium

jQuery selector syntax

Spock, JUnit & TestNG

Actively developed, active mailing list

Grails functional-test plugin

Apache Commons HttpClient to make GET/POST requests

HtmlUnit to parse responses

JUnit 3 base class with helper methods

2.0 is in development, but I still use 1.2.7NEVER RUN create-functional-test script will overwrite grails-app/conf files

Grails functional-test plugin

UsageAdd plugin dependency in BuildConfig.groovytest ':functional-test:1.2.7'

Will fail to resolve dependencies on first compileFatal error during compilation org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lcom/gargoylesoftware/htmlunit/html/HTMLParser$HtmlUnitDOMBuilder

Just run grails compile again

Grails functional-test plugin

Creating test classesNEVER RUN create-functional-test script will overwrite grails-app/conf files

Just create a class in test/functional that extends functionaltestplugin.FunctionalTestCase

Grails functional-test plugin

import functionaltestplugin.FunctionalTestCase

class LoginTests extends FunctionalTestCase {

void testSomeWebsiteFeature() { // Here call get(uri) or post(uri) to start // the session and then use the custom // assertXXXX calls etc to check the response // // get('/something') // assertStatus 200 // assertContentContains 'the expected text' }}

How to find all controller actions?

import grails.web.Action


def data = []

for (controller in grailsApplication.controllerClasses) {

List actions = controller.clazz.methods.findAll( { it.getAnnotation(Action) })*.name
