Mastering Grails 3 Plugins Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal

Mastering Grails 3 Plugins - Greach 2016

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Mastering Grails 3 Plugins

Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal

Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal Software Engineer Grails Development Team [email protected]

OCI is the new home of Grails More at ociweb.com/grails

The Basics

Creating a Grails 3 plugin

$ grails create-plugin myWebPlugin| Plugin created at /private/tmp/myWebPlugin

$ grails create-plugin myPlugin -profile plugin| Plugin created at /private/tmp/myPlugin

Understanding profiles• A profile defines:

• Project’s build.gradle.

• Commands: create-domain-class, run-app, etc.

• Features: hibernate, json-views, etc.

• Skeleton: files and folders.

plugin vs. web-plugin

Trim your plugin!

Keep clean

• Start with the plugin profile whenever possible.

• Remove empty and/or unwanted files/folders.

• Otherwise, the burtbeckwith bot will send you a cleanup pull request!

The burtbeckwith bot

The burtbeckwith bot

• Watches messy plugin repos and sends a PR to clean them up.

• 14 pull requests in the last 3 months!

• Likely hundreds in the last years!

The minimal plugin

• Folder containing:

• build.gradle

• src/main/groovy with plugin descriptor.

• Empty grails-app folder.

The plugin descriptor

• A class inside src/main/groovy. Extends grails.plugins.Plugin.

• Can override methods to define behaviour in the plugin lifecycle.

• Syntax has changed a bit from Grails 2.

Plugins features

Plugin configuration• A plugin can define:

• Configuration values for the host Grails app.

• One of plugin.yml or plugin.groovy.

• Configuration for running the plugin as an application, to test it.

• application.yml / application.groovy.

Excluding content• In the plugin descriptor:

• In build.gradle:

// resources that are excluded from plugin packagingdef pluginExcludes = [ '**/com/example/myplugin/tests/**']

jar { exclude 'com/example/myplugin/tests/**/**'}

Command Line extensions

• Use create-script for code generation commands.

• Runnable with the Grails CLI.

• Use create-command for interacting with a loaded Grails application.

• Runnable with the Grails CLI or as a Gradle task.

Scripts• Base class:


import org.grails.cli.interactive.completers.DomainClassCompleterdescription( "Generates a controller that performs REST operations" ) { usage "grails generate-resource-controller [DOMAIN CLASS]" argument name:'Domain Class', description:"The name of the domain class", required:true completer DomainClassCompleter flag name:'force', description:"Whether to overwrite existing files"} if(args) { generateController(*args) generateViews(*args) generateUnitTest(*args) generateFunctionalTest(*args)} else { error "No domain class specified"}

Commandsimport grails.dev.commands.ApplicationCommandimport grails.dev.commands.ExecutionContextclass MyCommand implements ApplicationCommand { @Override boolean handle(ExecutionContext ctx) { def dataSource = applicationContext.getBean(DataSource) //Run some SQL... return true } }

Enhancing artefactsimport grails.artefact.Enhancesimport groovy.transform.CompileStatic@Enhances(['Controller', 'Service'])@CompileStatictrait DateSupport { Date now() { return new Date() }}



• If your plugin becomes to grow, you might end up creating a monolith.

• You can modularise your plugins as you would do with your apps.

ModularisationMonolithic plugin

Multi-module plugin


• Benefits:

• Optional dependencies.

• Smaller JAR files.

• Build logic reuse.

Modularisation setup• settings.gradle:

include ‘myPlugin-core', ‘myPlugin-domain' //etc

Modularisation setup• Root build.gradle:

allprojects { apply plugin:"idea"} subprojects { Project project -> ext { grailsVersion = project.grailsVersion gradleWrapperVersion = project.gradleWrapperVersion } repositories { //Common repos } version "1.0.0.M1" group "org.grails.plugins" apply plugin: "org.grails.grails-plugin" dependencies { //Common deps } }

Modularisation setup• Sub-module build.gradle:

dependencyManagement { imports { mavenBom "org.grails:grails-bom:$grailsVersion" } applyMavenExclusions false} dependencies { compile project(":myPlugin-core") compile "com.example:library:1.0.0"}

Aggregating Docs

task aggregateGroovyDoc(type: Groovydoc) { group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP dependsOn subprojects.groovydoc source subprojects.groovydoc.source destinationDir file("${buildDir}/docs/groovydoc") classpath = files(subprojects.groovydoc.classpath) groovyClasspath = files(subprojects.groovydoc.groovyClasspath)}


Artifact publication • Snapshots:

• Using the artifactory Gradle plugin.

• Published in OJO (oss.jfrog.org).

• Releases:

• Using the grails-plugin-publish Gradle plugin.

• Published in Bintray.

Bintray setup

• For Snapshots:

Build setup

artifactory { contextUrl = 'http://oss.jfrog.org' publish { repository { repoKey = 'oss-snapshot-local' username = bintrayUser password = bintrayKey } defaults { publications('maven') } }} artifactoryPublish { dependsOn sourcesJar, javadocJar}

grailsPublish { user = bintrayUser key = bintrayKey portalUser = pluginPortalUser portalPassword = pluginPortalPassword repo = 'plugins' githubSlug = 'alvarosanchez/my-plugin' license = 'APACHE 2.0' title = "My Plugin" desc = "A very cool Grails plugin" developers = [ alvarosanchez: "Alvaro Sanchez-Mariscal" ]}

• For Releases:

Build setup

Build setup

• Define rootProject.name in settings.gradle.

• Define credentials in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties.

Running it• Snapshot publishing:

• Release publishing:

$ ./gradlew artifactoryPublish

$ ./gradlew publishPlugin notifyPluginPortal

Plugin portals

• Once your packages are published in your Bintray repo, go to https://bintray.com/grails/plugins and click on “Include my package”.

• Grails 3: http://grails.org/plugins.html

• Grails 2: http://grails.org/plugins


Testing with a profile

• You can create a profile and use it as a TCK for your plugin:

• Create test apps from that profile.

• Apps come with a set of tests.

• Use features to test different configurations.

Profile descriptor

description: Creates a test app for Spring Security REST pluginbuild: excludes: - org.grails.grails-coredependencies: compile: - "org.grails.plugins:spring-security-rest:${pluginVersion}" - "org.grails:grails-datastore-rest-client:5.0.0.RC3" testCompile: - "com.codeborne:phantomjsdriver:1.2.1" - "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-api:2.47.1" - "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-firefox-driver:2.47.1"


Feature descriptor

description: First configuration of GORMdependencies: build: - "org.grails.plugins:hibernate4:5.0.0.RC2" compile: - "org.grails.plugins:hibernate4" - "org.hibernate:hibernate-ehcache" - "org.grails.plugins:spring-security-rest-gorm:${pluginVersion}" runtime: - "com.h2database:h2"


Build setuptask generateProfileConfig << { copy { from 'profile.yml.tmpl' into '.' rename { String fileName -> fileName.replaceAll '\\.tmpl', '' } expand pluginVersion: project.version } file('features').eachDir { feature -> copy { from "features/${feature.name}/feature.yml.tmpl" into "features/${feature.name}/" rename { String fileName -> fileName.replaceAll '\\.tmpl', '' } expand pluginVersion: project.version } }} compileProfile.dependsOn generateProfileConfig


• Put in the skeleton all your test files and resources.

• You can use features to have different sets of tests, resources and configuration.

• Define global configuration values in profile’s root skeleton folder.

Test them all!

for feature in `ls ../spring-security-rest-testapp-profile/features/ ̀do grails create-app -profile \ org.grails.plugins:spring-security-rest-testapp-profile:$pluginVersion \ -features $feature $feature && cd $feature && ./gradlew check && cd .. done

Use case: the Spring Security REST plugin

¡Muchas gracias!

Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal