SWONtech News Podcast for April, 2012



This month's podcast includes highlights from Nathan's trip to the Computers in Libraries conference in Washington D.C. Favorite sessions included a Library of Congress digital preservation project, several takes on local technology interest groups, user-oriented design, and social media strategies. Non-conference news gets a few minutes too, just to be fair.

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April 2012

Invite-only, from all levels of org

Tech Interest Groups: Montana St Uni Library

http://www.lib.montana.edu/~jason/talks/cil2012-think-tank.pdfhttp://www2.lib.virginia.edu/scholarslab/ Session C101

1. Idea generation 2. Idea screening3. Concept development

Temple University Library: "Fuzzy Front-End" (FFE)

http://libraryscenester.wordpress.com/2012/03/22/cil-wed/http://blog.library.temple.edu/the_tulibrary_experience/archives/2011/07/post.html Session C102

An access tool for visually exploring, finding relationships in data

Digital Archiving with the Library of Congress

http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/http://viewshare.org/ !!

Session E103

Supports personal archiving as well as gov’t-level archiving

Andromeda Yelton, from http://unglue.it

The Future of Ebooks


• Hamilton (Ontario) Public Library• Library pays =SUM(Back-list + Mid-list)

sales in their region• Access/licensing model, simultaneous use• Front-list, 1 ebook purchase = 1 checkout

E-Book Publishers and Libraries: Win-Win Solutions

http://www.libconf.com/2012/03/22/e-book-publishers-and-libraries-win-win-solutions/http://www.myhamilton.ca/public-library Session A201

Different Country, Different Constraints• 25 million English-speaking readers• 18 million library website visitors• Amazon & Kindle have less influence

Patrons, or potential crooks?

Designing for Users: We are Not our Patrons

http://e.tches.ca/talk/cil2012/userresearch.pdf Session B203

Be curious about your users

Have empathy for your users

Aim for services that are easy before interesting (Maslow’s hierarchy)

7 Methodologies

1. Surveys (Attitudinal)2. Focus Groups (Attitudinal)3. Card Sorting (Attitudinal)4. User Interviews (Attitudinal &

Behavioral)5. Contextual Inquiry--Watching People

(Behavioral)6. Usability Testing (Behavioral)7. Cultural Probes/Diary (Attitudinal &


Designing for Users: We are Not our Patrons

http://e.tches.ca/talk/cil2012/userresearch.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/1802/7520 University of Rochester study

Session B203

Levy = Motivation!$7,000 Facebook ad buy brought 51M impressionsWork with local media & local bloggers

Leveraging Social Media

http://conferences.infotoday.com/documents/146/B301_Theado.pptx Session B301

6 Lessons

1. Think about your audience2. Don’t be too self-promotional

(70% informing, 20% engaging, 10% inviting)

3. Write with energy. Be conversational and brief

4. Don’t post too frequently. Space it out (use a schedule)

5. Involve staff, but have a strategy6. Try something new, change or stop

what isn’t working

Leveraging Social Media

http://conferences.infotoday.com/documents/146/B301_Theado.pptx Session B301

1. Assess where you areAsk staff, and ask patrons. Set up a white board and ask for feedback on specific items

2. Assess successWhat does success look like? Work backwards from goals, not just forward from where you are

3. Distill the messageToo many messages dilutes all of them. Find what messages work. Eliminate what doesn’t

4. Kairos (Yes that’s Greek)Right audience, right words, right time

5. Gather recommendationsDon’t antagonize current customers. Listen to them

Steal These Marketing Ideas

http://stealtheseideasmarketing.tumblr.com/ Session B305

Images + volunteer-built name index

The 1940 Census Data Released


Images of census pages

Free data:

“Free” data:

Write a Pitch/TreatmentCreate Storyboards/ScriptRecordEdit & Publish Online

Podcasting: From First Pitch to Publishing

Contributing Member cost: Free!http://oh.evanced.info/swon/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=203
