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TQR VET Futures Project PALM 2010Staff capability project

Getting to the husk of it!

TQR Strategic Plan 2010-2013

Mission – To strengthen the economic and social capacity of regional communities by delivering flexible, innovative learning solutions

Skilling peopleBuilding relationshipsDeveloping our capabilitySustainable practicesA rich teaching and learning culture focused on:

Blended deliveryInnovations through ICTSustainable practices

Context:Project PALM

2009 TQR regional skills stock-take identified that the immediate capability needs in Teaching and Learning skills were: Instructional design Delivery through e-learning/distance learning/holding

videoconferences Assessment Foundations/RPL process and

methods/Designing RPL tools Project PALM Methodology

Problem based learning – engagement and identification of issues, collaborative, enquiry based and outcomes focused with a view to implementation into teaching practice, semester 1 and 2, 2010.

PALM acronym and Metaphors

PALM project ?

P- Problem and project based

A- Active and action based

L- Learning with multiple support modes

M- Model – Focused, problem based not to mention….. teacher initiated and management supported!

Doing things in a new way but with a new “spirit” confirming and reiterating an established practice but with a new set of “eyes” and a capacity to change and reinvigorate

Timeline – 5 months

Phase 1February

Plan, connectcommunicate

Phase 2 Clarify, projectdevelopment

Phase 3AprilPBL


Phase 4May

PBL Learning Activities

Generic Workshops

Phase 5June

Implement, shareReview and


Phase 1

February 2010

Project Management Plan

DevelopProject Team

Sponsor, facilitators,stakeholders

Finalise TQR staff Capability

Project PALM strategy

Publicise ProjectInformation sessions

Phase 2

March 2010

Participants collaboratively

develop and refine

learning and actionplans

aligned with PBL issue

Develop Communication

tools training options

Attend/ complete networking

and informationactivities

Phase 3

April 2010

Commence learning activitiesIdentify current

Training options and Leverage otherVET Futures


Develop generic Web-conference training sessions

Populate TQR my.TAFE space with

PALM informationand activities

Update L&T Networks

Stake-holders and Institutes

PALM presentations

Phase 4

May 2010

Project participants Work on action planFormal and informalLearning approaches


Facilitator Connecting

Coaching andmonitoring

Team updatesprogress

Phase 5

June 2010

ImplementShare project

learningAnd Outcomes

Team and VTA area

Reportdocument project learning my.tafe

Blog, voicethread presentations

Review project planOutcomes

TQR Capability Project report

Project Methodology – 5C’s Clarify stakeholder and learner needs /issues/

problem based learning approaches and capability champions

Connect – learners, communities of practice/learning networks

Communicate – consistent and creative and technological

Collaborate/Co-operate, Create – share and participate in personal and cooperative learning activities with clear outcomes

Capability – implement, measure and achieve outcomes and plan future strategies

TQR PALM Project Facilitators The “Fronds”

Special thanks to Jenny Butler (SQIT)and each HR manager and Staff development officer in TQRInstitutes and the support from TQR learning technologies staff






Information and update sessions1000 peopleFace to faceVideoconferencesiConnect Web-conferencesMOVI VC trials

Project PALM projects >150 participants- $ 400 per person

5 Generic web-conference training sessions

iConnect web-conferences - > 100 sessions

T&L /TAFE Qld networksCarpentryAutomotiveHair and BeautyBusinessVe-MentoringQLD TQR VET Futures networkTQR Institutes campuses

iConnect moderator CoP

21st century workplace learning

Finally what we did was…

Designed professional development from the inside out – It works!

Shared the learning and facilitation and development across the TQR organisation – Is possible and sustainable

Understood the diverse learning needs of our VET Teachers and collaboratively planned phased learning approaches (formal and informal) Just in time learning that is focused on teaching practice.

Knowing and learning as an active supported and social process – Support is vital, time, money and management.

Integrated information technology use across the organisation – Takes time and needs strategic planning and policy to sustain

Managed support and monitored – buy-in from all stakeholders. Project Plans

Connected to the identity of the new organisation –TQR - Shared learning and coaching and used a virtual team approach

Leveraged the value of ‘ignorance’ and discussed what was needed and what needed to be learned right now - everything of value and creative comes out of not knowing and that is okay!

What we know…

Educators are driven by passion, as much as expertise, but they are time poor and PD has in the past been compliance focused not teaching and learning focused.

Teachers are caught within their own assumptions but move beyond those of the present by being involved in learning as a “Just in time” problem based social activity that can be immediately applied to their own teaching and learning context.

Project PALM provided the vision and support to energise people to reinvigorate collaboratively and apply new learning to their teaching and learning practice!

TQR VET Teachers Digital habitat 2010 and beyond? “ learning together is a complex achievement that weaves

communal and individual engagement, aspirations and identities.

2010-2011 provides us with an opportunity to source funding to build on the project PALM multiple models of staff development and weave pedagogical and technological approaches for the future of the VET system and the capability of our core business drivers – learning and facilitation designers! (aka Teachers and support staff)

If it means cracking a coconut with our heads or varying our strategies it is well worth it! PS did you know that there are at least 20 different ways to open a coconut!!!
