Puppet, now with google!



Marc Cohen Developer Programs Engineer, Google Eric Johnson Technical Program Manager, Google

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8/23/13 Puppet, Now With Google!

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Puppet, Now With Google!Using Puppet to manage Google Compute Engine

Marc Cohen - Developer Programs Engineer, GoogleEric Johnson - Technical Program Manager, Google

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AgendaA Whirlwind Tour of the Google Cloud Platform

Dive into Google Compute Engine

Google Compute Engine + Puppet = Awesome





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Google Cloud Platform

App Engine - PaaSCompute Engine - IaaSCloud Storage - Object StoreCloud SQL - Stuctured DataCloud Datastore - NoSQL key/value storeBigQuery - fast big data analysisMany other APIs available








Photo: Google/Connie Zhou google.com/datacenters 3/24

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App Engine


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Compute Engine


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Cloud Storage


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Cloud SQL


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Cloud Datastore


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Other APIs (Chrome, Drive, Maps, YouTube, ...)


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Google Compute Engine 101Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Virtual Machines, Networks, Storage

Built with Google DNA






Global Footprint

Engineering expertise & experience






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Fast, Consistent Startup


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Know Your Storage!

Scratch Disk

Persistent Disk

Cloud Storage

Cloud SQL

Cloud Datastore

Bring your own data store


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Persistent DisksSweet spot: Durable, flexible and consistent

Features: Global snapshots, bootable, attachable, read-only sharable

Uses: Database storage, fast boot, static data distribution, migration





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Fast, Consistent, Persistent Disk Performance


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NetworkingIsolated networks per project

Private IPv4 space (RFC 1918)

IP Level (Layer 3) network

Flat across geographical regions

Internal facing DNS

Load balancing brings stability and scale

Geographic diversity: zones and regions






VM name = DNS name-



Open source: nginx, HAProxy

Available now: Google hosted load balancing




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Sorting 1TB in 55s


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GCE + Puppet Enterprise = Awesome!Just Works! Current GCE Operating Systems (Linux x86_64):

Variety of machine types

Useful features for organizing your puppet nodes


Debian 7 (Wheezy) and Debian 6 (Squeeze)

CentOS 6.4 Enterprise Linux

Build your own custom images





Micro/small, HighCPU, HighMem, and 'Standards

CPU: 1-8 cores, RAM: 0.6-30 GB, plenty of disk options




Metadata (key/value pairs) available in your instance

Instance tagging




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Demo: GCE + Puppet = Awesome!Puppet Enterprise 3 Console

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All we want are the facts, ma'amFacter support ~~(coming soon)~~

Instance and project 'metadata' key/value pairs such as,·

Machine type, image, zone, disks, tags, sshKeys, and more...·

activeprocessorcount => 1architecture => amd64;blockdevice_sda_model => PersistentDisk...gce_instance_machinetype => n1-standard-1gce_instance_zone => us-central1-bgce_project_numeric_project_id => 12345678901gce_project_project_id => gs_test...virtual => gce



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Moar Awesome: GCE Resources the PuppetWay

Forge: gce_compute module·

Provision GCE resources with Puppet's DSL in your site manifest file

Provides native types for instances, disks, firewalls, and load-balancer

Bootstrap agent node features:




Specify a list of forge modules or github repos

Create a manifest file on the node

Or use External Node Classifiers to merge in additional classes





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Demo: A load-balanced web siteGCE Provisioning with Puppet's DSL

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Thank You!Google Cloud Platform: scalable, consistent, managed, high performance

Compute Engine and Puppet work great together.

Give it a try:

These slides: http://bit.ly/gce-puppet

Learn more about Google Cloud Platform: http://cloud.google.com

Marc Cohen

http://about.me/marc1 Eric Johnson





Puppet users sign up here: http://goo.gl/rgPNUX for $2000 USD credit.-



