People Are the Social Media



Social Recruiting

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People Are The Social MediaSHANNON SEERY GUDE

vp, digital & social strategy

March 3, 2010


Mobilize your workforce through social media to build your employer brand

Help candidates make better decisions on whether or not they are a match for your culture

See how companies can gain quality referrals and attract talent through sharing stories and experiences

277%Percentage increase for time

spent social networking in 2009

80% of internet sessions start at search - ‘Buying’ decisions

made through online research: read reviews, get opinions.

120 mil

Job-related Google searches/moContent posted on social media is

indexed and discoverable by candidates highly influential

50% of active users log on

daily for 55 mins

80% of users have tweeted less than

10 times

55 million ppl ~50% outside U.S.


More people have a mobile phone than an Internet-connected PC

SOCIAL MEDIAWon’t Make Your Company Remarkable

What Will: Prop up your employees as your brand ambassadors, make them their POV the center of attention, let them tell the story through their lens.

The Promise of One-to-One: Labor intensive and hardly scalable

How employees can help: Help them support your social recruiting efforts. Give people access to their stories and expertise, provide information, answer questions.

Who’s Doing it?

Getting Beyond Fear and To ROI:Get from Blue-sky to approval. Social recruiting Strategy needs a plan. Period.

Listening &


Strategy: Elements,

Ambassadors, Content & Assets

Goals &


Participation & Integration

Monitoring &


Guidelines & Training

Provide the Tools: EncouragementBrand attributes & valuesInternal social and collaboration tools Social Media Guidelines Engagement ProtocolsBuild engagement skills

"One of the greatest challenges I encounter today is not the willingness of a brand to engage, but its ability to create. When blueprinting a social media strategy, enthusiasm and support typically derails when examining the resources and commitment required to produce regular content."

-Brian Solis

Provide Sharable Content: Tool trainingSharable company updates, news, info Process to contribute content & ideasContent calendarReferral Widgets and Social Apps

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Engage New Partners: HR, Marketing, Internal Comms, IT, L&D, Web Teams, external vendors & tool providers all working in concert.

ROE: Return on Engagement:

What you measure depends on your goals.

HCA West Florida

16 Hospital DivisionNeeded to integrate and increase awareness of brand & opportunities. Looking to tell their story and improve SEO

Resources & Assets: Jobs RSS Feed, Video Content, RLM Database. 3 bloggers; 4 Talent Engagement Admins. Supportive Leadership; Social Recruiting Guidelines; Ambassador Training

Google Reputation – Sept 08

Search Reputation

Relevant Content Updates

ContentSharing &


Candidate & Employee Networking


Social Integration: Careers Web Site

Passive Candidate Engagement: Relationship

Marketing Opt-In

RSS Feed of Career Opps

Link to Company Careers Page on


Link to Recruiting Blog

Enhanced Job Search Module

Recruiting Blog

Built on Wordpress & authored by

career ambassadors

Links to Jobs, Events & RSS

Email Subscription

Embedded Employee


Dynamic Recruiting Events


Facebook Careers Page

Hospital Division Careers facebook


Recruiting Blog Posts Cross

publish to page automatically

Candidate Engagement

Tabs linking to extended Jobs,

Locations, Video, Events, Photo


Custom Apps: Job Search &

Share; Locations

Return on Engagement – Search Reputation

Total Attorneys


“Encouraging the entire staff to recruit turns everyone into brand ambassadors. As employees spread the word in social networks about our job opportunities, they create positive buzz about the company.

When you give people tools to be transparent about the company, they can contribute to the conversation about your brand. It’s great when your employees think highly enough of the company that they want to talk about it and want to invite people to work here.”

Ed ScanlanCEO, Total Attorneys

Career site that’s plugged into social media

Career site with multiple videos about the company

CEO’s Twitter Profile – he’s tweeting jobs

Employees – and their friends – share in social networks


The results:Dramatic growth in qualified resumes. 67% of hires now made by referral.

How Total Attorneys Does It

Find evangelists within your company.

Demonstrate what you want people to do.

Keep everyone informed about hiring priorities.

Encourage contests – and reward referring even if the candidate isn’t hired.

Engage hiring managers – they’re motivated to fill their jobs.

Support employees to engage referrals in their own networks – LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

Executives are committed to and contribute to the referral culture.

Contact me anytime with questions

ShannonSeery GudeVice President, Digital & Social Twitter: seerysm

Thank You!
