Oct 2012



A joint meet with the local RSA, sharing ideas and our approach.

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‘Eastbourne Can’ - a new model for civic engagement?Will CallaghanMark HadleyDuncan Adams

1 What we’ve achieved

2 How we started

3 How litt le we’ve spent

4 What we’ve learnt

5 Future challenges

About usInformal group with a bank account

10 strong ‘Exec’ on Facebook

Approx 50 at monthly meets

900 Twitter fol lowers, 200 Facebook l ikes

Apolit ical, “just want to get things done”

Work with EBC, 3VA, local businesses and some RSA members

In touch with Chamber, Town Team

Since January 2012 we’ve...

Spruced up six empty shops...






Won £5,000 from EBC...

Held the Wish Tower Design Day...

Launched the Wish Tower Friends...

Organised two cashmobs...

Tested digital What's On signs

And got creatives networking...

We also offered a forum for others...


Bonfire society

e The Magazine

Street Market

Faster train to London


Dan Thompson (Empty Shops Network)Legal & General (Arndale Centre redevelopment)

Eastbourne Borough Council (Devonshire Park plan)

Other guests this year

How we startedWill, David and Jason wanted to found a group “that does rather than talks”

Interested in design, the Wish Tower, anything that people had a strong feeling about

Created long l ist of ideas by asking Twitter, Facebook, anyone we knew

Public vote highlighted four jobs - Wish Tower, What's On, Empty Shops, Digital economy

£350/ year =£10 to register web address

£5/ month to host website

£20/ month for posters

£30 for business cards

£0 for meeting space

Costs are rounded and project costs are extra

What we’ve learntSocial media is key for communication, involvement, staying flexible

Set achievable goals and always deliver

Everything should look great and read well

Meeting venues should be design led and have a pay bar/ food

Look for off the shelf tools (eg Wordpress)

Momentum is really important

What we’ve learntAll age groups have something to give

No membership, just turn up and take part

Just need a wil l ingness to get stuck in

Being persistent and professional reaps rewards (including donations from private individuals)

Most interest from IT, art, design and polit ical communities, newer business owners, local freethinking groups

Future challengesCash and volunteers

Maintaining apolit ical stance

Slow local authorit ies/ other bodies

Duplication of other init iatives

Should we become a CIC, charity?




15th Oct 8pm, Dolphin

19th Nov 8pm, here

17th Dec 8pm, Dolphin