Nokia Campaign



Nokia ile Türk Tüketicisi arasında özel bir bağ var. Bir dönem cep telefonu dendiğinde herhalde herkesin akılına Nokia gelirdi. Fakat akıllı telefon dönemiyle birlikte Nokia yerini Apple, Samsung ve Blackberry'e bırakmıştı. Bu dönemde Nokia popülerliğini yitirdi. Sonra Lumia hamlesiyle Türkiye'deki akıllı telefon pazarına girdi, fakat ürün diğer akıllı telefonlardan ne çok daha ucuz ne çok daha teknolojikti. Bu yüzden yerellik vurgusu yapılırsa daha başarılı olacaktı. Bu sunum, o dönemde Nokia'nın nasıl bir yol izlemesi gerektiğini anlatıyor. Bir grup projesi sunumuydu, ben sadece kendi kısmımı yükledim. Sunum Tarihi: 11.2012

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NOKIA PositioningOfficially


• Nokia position itself as dynamic, innovator, youthful

• It aims that being popular between young.

• Nokia has no PR activities now, it only used advertising and promotion now.

• Nokia deal with some other brands in Turkey such as Yandex, Turkcell.

What Do We Suggest?

If Turkish Consumers want to buy a phone, they have two main criteria

Is This Phone Popular?Is This Phone Technological?


We Have to be popular to sell it.

NOKIA Is Not More Technological than competitors

How Can Be Nokia Popular

• Nokia Should Position itself as local and use it memorable motto.

• It should create emotional ties between Turkish consumers especially youngs

• It should seems that Nokia is very special for Turkish consumers

• It should remind that we had relation between Nokia and it emphasize it.

• This product should be popular between youngs but Also it interest others





It’s local motto and it’s very memorable

It creates emotional ties between Turkish consumers especially youngs

It seems that Nokia is very special for Turkish consumers

It remind that we had relation between Nokia and it emphasize it.

This motto can be popular between youngs but Also it interest others

Our Target Audience is 17-40 because they know Nokia Well.



We will use “NOKIA Seni Kendime Sakladım” in advertising of Nokia

Young people will perform in TV ADS

Production Placement• We want to use production placement in İsler Gücler or

Yalan Dünya to emphasize NOKIA Pure-View Technology.

• One Scene cameras which record their work will be distored so they couldn’t find any camera fast and they will use Nokia Luminia .

• After that, Producers will appreciate them because scenes are very good.

• Ahmet Kural can be used it.

Social Media

Pinterest Campaign• Pinterest is very valuable for Nokia.

• We will create nokiaturkiye in pinterest.

• We will choose two person to give Nokia Luminia and they will visit some beautiful place and take photo with luminia and we will share it in social media channel especially in Pinterest.

• Nokia will make news about it in some websites which is about Digital news and Nokia will be followed and mentioned in social media

Facebook Account Management• We will advertise Luminia on Facebook to more appear in

young people.

• We will produce content Localy in Social Media, We will celebrate some speacial days, new year, valentine's day, 23 April e.t.c

• Blogger must mention about Nokia Luminia and We will share it in our social media channels.

• Also Nokia should remind that some relation between turkish consumers such as When did Nokia started in Turkey?

Twitter#senikendimesakladım will be started in twitter

Nokia will give reward to people who write best tweet. (How many retweet which they reach.

