New media: A general introduction and tools for audio



A general overview of new media and journalism, with an emphasis on web based platforms and tools for audio.

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Social networks & new mediaOnline audio content

Sanjana Hattotuwa

TEDGlobal Fellow 2010Editor, Groundviews (

what is social media?

• Social media uses Internet and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers. (Wikipedia)

what is new media?

• New media is a term meant to encompass the emergence of digital, computerized, or networked information and communication technologies.

• New media is not television programs, feature films, magazines, books, or paper-based publications. (Wikipedia)

• But increasingly, old media is leveraging the web, Internet and mobiles in generating and disseminating news and information.

new media and foundations

• Blogs

• Social networks (Twitter, Facebook)

• Google Maps and mashups

• Mobiles: SMS, mobile photography and video

• VoIP: Skype, Google Chat

• And making this all possible is ADSL, 3G wireless broadband

what’s new

• Ubiquity of two way communications

• Addressable peoples, even those who IDPs or refugees

• Both news generation and dissemination leverages new media

• Disintermediated models vs. traditional media model

• Citizens as producers

• Low resolution content broadcast on high definition media

enduring challenges

• Impartial, accurate coverage still vital, increasingly hard to ascertain

• Torrent of information. Trickle of knowledge.

• Veracity / Verifiability hard to determine

• Post-disaster communications can be unreliable and difficult. Eye-witness accounts are partial, subjective.

• New media / technology illiteracy even amongst journalists

• Apathy and animosity against citizen journalism

• Licensing and attribution of online content

What is out there?

bearing witness: Groundviews

online video: Vikalpa YouTube

alternative politics in Sinhala: Vikalpa

news from provinces: Perambara

kottu: blog

sinhala bloggers union: Sinhala blog

sinhala bloggers union: Sinhala blog

twitter: new

flickr content on sri

social networking: facebook

social networking: facebook reach

readership and reach: web media

From 19 – 27 May 2010, Groundviews ran a special edition on the end of war in Sri Lanka. Over this week alone, the site received over forty thousand readers and exclusively featured over eighty-thousand words of original content, one video premiere, over a dozen photos, generating over one hundred and fifty thousand words of commentary. Tens of thousands more have read and commented on this content since.

What is out there in audio form?

music: from pop to classical

music: from pop to classical

podcasts from BBC: news and current affairs

podcasts from BBC: news and current affairs

podcasts from NPR: news and current affairs

podcasts from Apple iTunes

podcasts from Apple iTunes

pronunciation from google dictionary

Managing content: Pushing out

essential email: Gmail blogging blogging blogging blogging via phone broadcasting via a PC mobile phone broadcasting reports through audio

soundcloud: upload audio to the web

Managing content: Pulling in

google search: Updates from social media

google news: thousands of sources

google reader: a web based RSS reader

key points: recap

• New technologies potentially give voice to all citizens

• Be sceptical of new information, but use new media to push and pull content

• Develop media literacy to embrace new technologies

Thank you
