Moral issue of genetic engineering




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Moral Issue of Genetic Engineering

Mevelle Asuncion, RN

Gk word◦ Genea

Breed, kind◦ Genesis

Descent, origin Science that deals with the interaction of

the genes in producing similarities and differences between individual related by descent


Art and science that is concerned with the practical application of scientific knowledge

Design Constructions Operations of rocks, bridges, harbors,



Human design into the formation of new genetic combination in order to produce desired results.

Includes:◦ Genetic testing◦ Prenatal diagnosis◦ Genetic screening◦ Genetic control◦ In vitro fertilization◦ Embryo transfer◦ Cloning◦ Sperm and zygote banking◦ Sex selection◦ Surogacy◦ Organic transplant

Genetic Engineering

Chromosomal analysis for detecting genetically-caused diseases.◦ Taysach’s disease◦ PKU

Purpose is purely eugenic

Genetic testing

Amniocentesis◦ Detect malformation as early as 5th month or 16th

week of pregnancy and onwards Fetoscope Ultrasound

Prenatal Diagnosis

With Genetic Testing Screen, choose or select Screening

◦ CF◦ Hemophilia◦ Sickle cell anemia◦ PKU

Purpose is to obtain information for the treatment and to help the parents to make responsible decisions in childbearing◦ Sterilization, contraception

Genetic Screening/Genetic Selection

Directed modification of the gene complement of a living organism by such techniques as altering the DNA, substituting genetic material by means of a virus, transplanting whole nuclei, transplanting cell hybrids, etc.

Genetic Intervention

An assisted reproductive technique that includes the direct handling and manipulation of oocytes and sperm to achieve fertilization in vitro.

In Vitro Fertilization

The transfer of mammalian embryos from an in vivo or in vitro environment to a suitable host to improve pregnancy or gestational outcome in human or animal. In human fertility treatment programs, preimplantation embryos ranging from the 4-cell stage to the blastocyst stage are transferred to the uterine cavity between 3-5 days after FERTILIZATION IN VITRO.

Embryo Transfer

A surrogate mother is a woman who carries a child for someone else, usually an infertile couple.

2 types1. traditional- genes from the mother 2. gestational- zygote implanted to mother

Surrogate Motherhood

Sperm banking and Zygote banking

Chinese Calendar Monitoring one menstrual

cycle Monitoring female orgasm Vaginal rinsing

◦ baking Soda and water – boy◦ Vinegar and water - girl

Timing of semen ejaculation

Sex Selection by Dr. Barion

1. Control of sex-related diseases1. Hemophilia

2. Reduction of Birth rate3. Additional knowledge about human

reproduction4. Preventive of Abortion

Justification of Sex Selection

Organs, tissues, or cells taken from the body for grafting into another area of the same body or into another individual

Types◦ Autograft◦ Heterograft◦ homograft◦ isograft

Organic Transplant

The process of making a clone, a genetically identical copy. Cloning can refer to the technique of producing a genetically identical copy of an organism by replacing the nucleus of an unfertilized ovum with the nucleus of a body cell from the organism.

The first adult mammal cloned was Dolly the Sheep in 1997.


Male to female Female to male

Sex change

Natural Law Situationism by John Fletcher Utilitarianism Kantian Ethics

◦ Universalizability

Application of Ethical Theories
