Mobile Marketing



Account Associate at Bayshore Solutions, Tommy Puglia, shares important statistics in mobile marketing and why it’s important your company develops a mobile website today.

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Mobile Marketing

Tommy PugliaAccount Associate

Mobile Data(you might not know)

1. 70% Mobile searches result in action within one hour

2. 90% result in action in one day

3. 50% produce phone calls

4. 67% more likely to buy from mobile friendly

5. 52% bad mobile experience – less likely to engage again

6. 79% people who don’t like 1st will search again for alt site

7. In Retail (Ecommerce) Most important tasks:

1. 64% get directions/operating hours

2. 61% contact the store

3. 70% make purchase

Smartphones Majority

• Smartphones take up 55% of all mobile searches

• Estimated to overtake desktop search by end of 2013 or midway 2014

• And they are ready to buy!

How Do We Adapt?

• Especially for ecommerce sites:• If you do not have a Mobile Friendly Site – change

• Shorter keywords• Location, Location, Location

• Geo-Target • Utilize local listings, phone number

• On Website• Larger Calls to Action, Short Forms

• Utilize Social• Yelp, Opendoor

How Do We Measure

• Client’s online presence (if mobile traffic is high)- Communicate the issue (if traffic is an issue)

• Utilize conversion paths on Mobile Sites- Direct, and least amount of possible steps

- (Consumer: Ready to Buy!)

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