Microsoft CRM xRM4Legal 2015 Whats New


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37% posted questions on social

networking sites looking for feedback

48% followed industry

conversations on the topic

59% engaged with a peer

who had addressed the challenge

Before a firm is engaged…

57% of an average B2B

purchase is complete

CEB, The New High Performer Playbook, Arlington VA, 2012DemandGen Report, “Breaking out of the Funnel”

Today’s clients

More than 10 sources have

been consulted

• Do their own research

• Favor peer group


• Have higher expectations

• Hold the power

Client 2.0 trends are shaping the new law firm

Microsoft CRM/xRM4Legal makes business personal

• Simple and immersive interface that law firms love to use

• Personalized, efficient and familiar experiences

• Embedded process, based on proven global best practices

• Agile processes that can be tailored to each law firm

• Deep insight into market conditions, prospects and clients

• Navigate the client’s buying chain effectively through social


• Data visualization gives managing partners and CEO’s visibility into

key metrics and trends

• Anywhere access to the people and resources needed for success

• Real-time internal and external collaboration with rich

communication tools

• Content and expertise sharing to help practice groups win together

• Social networking tools in a business context

A user experience designed for law firms

Optimized for analysis, search, and engagement

Role-based forms for standard and advanced users

Recently viewed records at your fingertips

Enter data “on-the-fly” with Quick Create

New quick way for users to search across multiple record types

Track hierarchies and relationships between records

Business processes – standardize on best practices

According to CSO Insights,

firms that adopt a dynamic BD

process show a 19% increase

in quota attainment over

firms that do not.

Business process-centric experience

Personalized business development process

Role-based dashboards for marketing, finance etc

Stay productive on the road or in the courtroom

Adopt Microsoft CRM/xRM4Legal on devices to:

• Quickly mobilize your rainmakers

• Create a competitive differentiator

• Attract and retain marketing/BD talent

Practice cross selling through social connections

Reach the right person at the right time with the right message

Dynamics Marketing integrated with xRM4Legal

Key takeaways

Next stepsSchedule a demo – 30 minutes

Organize a “proof of concept” – 1 week to 1 month

Run a pilot – marketing/BD including light-house

practice group

Rollout firm-wide – targeting wider audience of

professional and support staff
