MEAN Stack Workshop at Node Philly, 4/9/14


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1 Hour MEAN Stack Hackathon

Valeri KarpovSoftware Engineer,


Building a Food Journal Single Page App + Workflow


Who is this guy?

•Coined the MEAN stack in April ‘13

•Contributor to:• node-mongodb-native

• mongoose

• mquery

• omni-di, etc.

•AngularJS since 0.9.4 in 2010

•Production MEAN apps: Ascot Project, Bookalokal


General Outline

•Building a single page app - LeanMEAN

•Food journal counts calories for you (FitDay)

•MEAN = MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS

•Additional tools:• browserify

• make

• omni-di

• mongoose

• MongoDB 2.6 text search

• PassportJS / Twitter oauth


What we’re building


Beyond the Hack

•Nitty-gritty deep dive into code and workflow

•Build tools and workflow: browserify, make

•Code organization: browserify, omni-di

•Unit testing and benchmarks: mocha


Step by Step

•Step 0: Understand SR-25 data set

•Step 1: Create Express app

•Step 2: Restructure Express app

•Step 3: Construct Models

•Step 4: Define API

•Step 5: Set up client-side routing

•Step 6: Client-side integration with API


Step by Step, Continued

•Step 7: Unit testing

•Step 8: Authentication


Step 0: USDA SR-25 Nutrition Data

•Need data: calories, carbs, lipids for common foods

•Thankfully available from USDA’s website

•mongorestore-friendly dump for MongoDB here

•My blog post about the data set


What does SR-25 data look like?


What Nutrients Look Like


What Weights Look Like


Simple SR-25 Query

•How many carbs in 1 serving of raw kale?

•Good baby step for food journal


Text Search in MongoDB 2.6

•Don’t want users to have to enter “Kale, raw”

•Example: top 3 results for “grass-fed beef”


Text Search in MongoDB 2.6

•Static data = perfect use case for text search

•Need to create a text index first from shell:• db.nutrition.ensureIndex({ description :

“text” });

•Read more here


Step 1: Creating an Express App

•Can create an Express app with 2 commands:• `npm install express -g` installs Express

• `express lean-mean-nutrition-sample` creates the app


Step 2: Restructuring the App

•Single page app doesn’t need Jade templating

•views folder obsolete

•Set up package.json file

•package.json - workflow for setting up env:• `git clone`: pull down repo

• `npm install`: install dependencies

• `npm test`: run tests

• `npm start`: start the server


passport.json Setup


Step 3: Create Database Schema

“Ontology deals with questions concerning what entities exist or can be said to exist, and how such entities can be grouped, related within a hierarchy, and subdivided according to similarities and differences”

- Wikipedia article on ontology


Quick Overview of Mongoose

•ODM for MongoDB and NodeJS

•Schema design and validation

•Convenience objects

•MEAN Stack’s official best friend


Objects in LeanMEAN World

•FoodItem: from SR-25

•User: because any real API scopes by user

•Day: the FoodItems a User ate on a given date


First, SR-25 Nutrition Item Schema


Having Users is a Positive


Constructing the Day Schema


Day Schema Subtleties

•Want to let user select from multiple weights

•Want user to enter custom amount for a weight

•Difference between selectedWeight / weights

•Nutrient amounts per 100G


Omni-di to tie this all together

•Avoid dependency hell: don’t require in every file!


Omni-di’s `assemble()` function


Why Two Food Item Services?

Text score sorting in Mongoose, see pull requestWill be fixed in next version of Mongoose!


Step 4: Define an API

Complexity creeps up on you like a snake in the grass. Good thing we have a Mongoose on our side!


The API Methods


Search for a Food Item

Note: text search API is atypical, docs here


Load a Day


Save a Day


Wait, Where’s The Work?

•Mongoose validates client foods data w/ schema

•Only modifying foods - free access control

•No need to check if date exists: upsert flag

•isNew flag in `GET /api/date/:date`


Step 5: AngularJS + Browserify

•Single Page App: how to manage code bloat?


Browserify = Write Node For Client

•AngularJS dependency in package.json

•Never deal with flakey CDNs again!


Build Process with Browserify

•Output: all.js, contains all JS in 1 file

•Input: all files in client directory + dependencies

•browserify -o ./public/javascripts/all.js client/*

•Or, make build_client


Single Page App Basics


What index.html Looks Like

ng-view is where the magic happens






Why Single Page App?

•No server side templating:• Better server throughput

• Cleaner separation of concerns

• Less bandwidth usage

•More control over UX


Step 6: Let’s Build a Client!

•AngularJS controller for each particular view

•Right now only need TrackController

•Controller talks to server

•Controller provides API for UI


Modifying the AngularJS Module


TrackController Structure


TrackController API


TrackController in the HTML


Implementation of loadDay()


Implementation of recalculate() ?


Code Sharing - calculations.js


NodeJS SPA and Code Sharing

•Code sharing is trivial with browserify

•MEAN stack principle: The objects your server deals with should be almost identical to the objects your client deals with and the objects stored in your database.

•Same objects => easy code sharing

•Calculations a good candidate in this case


search() call


addFood() call


Step 7: Unit Testing with Kittens


Get Serious About Testing

•Foundation: proper unit tests, automation

•Heuristic: code “works” iff npm test succeeds

•Grunt or Makefile, either works well


Omni-di and unit tests

•Beauty of DI: easy to control how much to stub

•For unit tests, stub everything


Testing PUT /api/day/:date


Testing PUT /api/day/:date


Testing TrackController


Testing TrackController


Tying Tests Together with make


Browserify SPA Testing Advantages

•Code sharing

•Single test framework - Mocha


Step 8: Authentication

•Last step!


Authentication in SPA

•PassportJS makes oauth easy

•But… requires redirect

•Not that much of a problem

•Handle cases where user hits API but not logged in


Setting up app.js with Passport


checkLogin middleware


checkLogin and TrackController


Passport Setup


Client-side User Tracking


Displaying the Logged In User


Displaying the Logged In User


And that’s a wrap! Time to Review

•Single page app with MEAN stack

•AngularJS routing

•Browserify for building client code

•Validating complex objects with Mongoose

•MongoDB text search

•Testing and automation

•Twitter Oauth
