Larry page




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Larry page

Lawrence "Larry" Page

Born :- March 26,

Married to :-

Lucinda southworth

Children's :- 2

Both Larry’s father Carl Page and Page's mother Gloria were computer science professors at Michigan State University.

Page attended the Okemos Montessori School (now called Montessori Radmoor) in Okemos, Michigan from 1975 to 1979

graduated from East Lansing High School in 1991, and resides in Mountain View, California

He holds a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering from the University of Michigan with honors and a Master of Science in computer science from Stanford University.

To b continue ………

Early life and education

During an interview Page recalled his childhood, noting

that his house "was usually a mess, with computers and Popular Science magazines all over the place".

His attraction to computers started when he was six years old when he got to "play with the stuff lying around".

He became the "first kid in his elementary school to turn in an assignment from a word processor

from a very early age, he also realized he wanted to invent things. So he became really interested in technology and business.

He added Probably from when I was 12, I knew I was going to start a company eventually“.

Brin was already enrolled in Stanford's PhD program when Page arrived in 1995

They argued the whole time, but soon found themselves working together on a research project.

Page and Brin wanted to create a search tool that would find the most relevant Web page first.

In 1996 "Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine," became the basis for the Google search engine.

Larry and sergey Brin

Google Inc. is an American multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related services and products.

These include search, cloud computing, software and online advertising technologies.

products :- Google Translate, Google News Google Wave , Google Chrome, etc.


You're probably on the right track if you feel like a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm.

-Larry Page,

