Keynote ok acrl murphy



Joe Murphy's keynote presentation for ACRL in Oklahoma. Nov 2, 2012.

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Joe Murphy

Celebrate play and

taking risk

“Ethiopia children 'master tablet PCs‘”

Illiterate children (4-7 years old) in Africa were given tablets. They learned right away despite the programs being in English and having no teachers and used the devices to teach themselves how to read.

iPad Mini Brings power of the iPad into all spaces of comfort .Further expands the Apple iOS ecosystem.


Now begin!

Joyce, Ullysses

Why we all need a degree in 'Mobilology'CNN By Florie Brizel Oct 4, 2012•


So what is needed now?

2 years ago I introduced Mobile Literacy -

Greatest Capital and Greatest Need Photo by Joe Van Brussel.

“During an emergency, one of the most precious commodities is information and the ability to communicate it without impediments.” - Arik Hesseldahl

What is over the edge

Mobile is not synonymous with “on the go”

Growth market for the iPad mini may be in bed not on the move

The Moment

Among the biggest recent tech directions is the renaissance and decline of the concept of the “moment”

Diffused interaction points: Instagram, Path update, Facebook, Klout,

“story-telling moment” by Alex Fitzpatrick

“People who tap on Instagram … are looking for an image they can connect with,”

“Because I’m a deadline news photographer, immediacy is a very big

part of how I work,”

“Somodevilla uses Instagram… to share behind-the-scenes moments that might not make it onto the front page … much like political journalists use Twitter to connect with their audience” or like library websites.

Instagram as its own art (so too has Google street view).

Instagram and the story of Sandy

“I’m glued to two vital news sources: my TV

and my Instagram account.” By Steven

Bertoni, Forbes

“this mix of mobile entertainment and utility that makes Instagram such a social force for major events”

Hash tags pull together a story in images

Instagram has more daily active users than Twitter

Instagram had 7.3 million active daily users in August, Twitter had 6.9 millionThe avg Instagram user spent 4.3 hours on the app during August

To add to an follow stories

Windows phone 8!06A79B67-0D1E-45F6-B80A-9B0B5BA83F4E “Overall, Windows Phone 8 A Delight to Use”

Future evolution of connected devices


Wearable computing may soon be a Billion $ Industry

Impact of growthImpact of trend

“ is only recently that they have captured the imagination of the public," Juniper Research's Nitin Bha

Sony Smart Watch

• Importance: – Legs controlled by thought– Wearable tech– Pace of change

Google Glass photo from Google’s Project Glass

Google Glass shifts display from the phone screen to our field of vision

• Take a photo/video• See/send messages • Maps • Voice activated • Heads up display

• Reduces disruption to real life

• Seamless access to digital world

Google Field Trip app brings together strengths of augmented reality and ambient location sensitive real world discovery

300 billion iMessages sent this year

What to watch in mobile communication

Be comfortable

But not too comfortable

Pulling together trends and location, Instagram, social influence, and moments


Welcome instead of warn


Let’s be realistic about what we offer and what we claim to be

The sun is always setting on libraries

And the sun also rises

Message in a Bottle of Whiskey

The object, the bottle in this case, becomes the medium. 27 Sep 2012

• Will remain as long as the camera is universal on smartphones

• Libraries can safely continue to invest

Context of major trend of proximity for access

The overhyped death of QR Codes

Those who claim QR codes are useless fail to understand the landscape.

The library can posture as cool, not aloof

Pull back on guidance. Accept relinquishing power into our ours’ hands

Crowdsourcing, the impact of Yelp, Trend of social reviews, and Application of trend to real world issues

Keep the mystery alive

Social Klout even for vetting applicants

Close gaps between how we do things and what people


Frivolous signs/rules and lost translations

Take big steps


to Go

Hiding from change isn’t going to work

…in yourself, in doorways, in a positive future

Facebook 1 Billion and the real importance for libraries

More important that 1 Billion Facebook Users

Infographic Source: Facebook Newsroom

140 Billion Friend Connections

Facebook Connected Users to 160 Million Visitors to Mobile Apps in March

Representing over 1 billion visits to apps total

7/10 of the most profitable iOS apps and 6 of the top ten grossing Android apps are integrated with Facebook

More than half of all Facebook Users Utilize it with Mobile Devices

Using 7,000 different types of devices

Infographic Source: Facebook Newsroom

Stop Napping

Update fatigue?

Gain a perspective

on directions

Less and less Blackberry.

US military seeking to expand beyond RIM devices into using Apple's iPhone as well as other devices

Because RIM "can no longer meet the mobile technology needs of the agency.“

"support a growing number of mobile devices across multiple


Because of the new emphasis on apps and ongoing worries over RIM's future economic viability

Celebrate what’s old. Celebrate what’s new

“Your weight is tipping me over”

Print and emotionPrint and situation

LevelUp Causes

Tablets as drivers of content consumption. B&N announces new video content for NookHD with partner studios to stream or download with an UltraViolet account.

iTunes update: coming with significant changes of note but delayed

The big changes and impact for usFull-library search Improved iCloud integrationNew library view Searching changes

Disney’s Purchase of LucasFilm is about a digital content boost

God willing, we'll all meet again in Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money".Yogurt

In the UK two-thirds check emails as they wake up and as they go to bed .“An extra 460 hours are worked by people who use mobile devices“

Strategies behind this: learn development challenges, attack the most popular mobile arena, expand to other platforms

iBooks 3

•Continuous scrolling (evolution in pages) (“changes the game for book-reading, completely”) •Will disrupt mobile reading •Update versions / editions


Path update for iPad

Updated Google search iOS app is about voice search

Leverages Google knowledge graph

Competition: Application of deep data vs hardware integration

Impact of more voice search – new info concierge

Mobile payments and more in a growing arena

Mobile Payments – Isis & Square

Moving another point of action to the smart device

Social sharing of cloud content, All within the Google Ecosystem


A Martha Stewart Magazine closes

• "...citing the need to emphasize “digital, mobile and video platforms” as audiences turn away from print"

Why matters: Mix of worldsCreativity and building

Pumpkin Tetris

There's a concierge for that


Still no replacement for ... us. Virtual concierges struggle specification and personalization

Curated concierge

3D Printed instruments

Create objects that create and that bring together

Printing vaccines

expand power through access

Printing vaccines at home on a biological 3D printer

“Fellow Marcin Jakubowski is open-sourcing the blueprints for 50 farm machines that can be built cheaply from scratch”

Crowd sourcing the tools for production

"It's not reinventing the wheel; it's open-sourcing the wheel." Julia Valentine, farmer, in The Atlantic

"After an encyclopedia reaches 100,000 articles, the pool of good material shrinks. By the time one million articles are written, it must tax ingenuity to think of something new. Wikipedia passed the four million article mark in summer 2012." - Richard Jensen

Wikipedia may be near to complete/done

Implications: Change in where users search. Change in resources.

Large pivot


The panopticon is also dangerous to

the creator

Begins and ends with a conversation

Me: Technology Trend Spotter for Libraries Twitter: @libraryfuture

You ______