KATAPEDIA, Indonesia Social Media Monitoring tool


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What isKatapedia ?

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

KATAPEDIA is an online tool to monitor and analyze your brand or topic mentions in the news and social media for Indonesia region only.

KATAPEDIA helps you in brand or topic engagement efforts.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

KATAPEDIA System Architecture

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Who uses Katapedia ? On what purposes?

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

@ Research Dept.R & D people use KATAPEDIA to search & explore potential ideas in social media and bring them into their organization.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

@ Sales & Marketing Dept.Sales & Marketing people use KATAPEDIA to locate potential new customers.They also use KATAPEDIA to help in measuring the effectiveness of a marketing campaign (new product launch, brand repositioning, etc.)

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

@ Public Relation Dept.PR people use KATAPEDIA to track any mentions and sentiment about their brands/company.They also use KATAPEDIA to find the influencers for their brands/company, and follow up with tactical engagements on them.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

@ Customer Service Dept.CS people use KATAPEDIA to capture indirect complaints in social media about their company’s products & services within minutes.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

@ Legal Dept.Legal people use Katapedia to closely monitor potential illegal use of their company’s trademark, counterfeited products, Intellectual Property violation, etc.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

@ Human Resources Dept.HR people use KATAPEDIA to keeps track of employees social networking activities.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

@ The C-SuiteThe C-Suite use KATAPEDIA to gain insights on industry trends & opportunities of business development in the future.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

What kind of Tools in Katapedia ? (versi 2.0)

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Simple Keywords Entry Just input the keywords, then it will be running automatically. You don’t have to define any parameters for the sentiment analysis. Katapedia Artificial Intelligent (AI) will do that for you.

Fill these items only

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Daily Media MonitoringKatapedia crawls data every 10 minutes automatically. The results are presented in the Media Monitoring menu and Daily Update report. Katapedia’s user-friendliness makes it easy for you to find the information you need from any media channels.

Just click the media channel list to find the information you need.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Saving Complete InformationKatapedia saves complete information from the mentions about your brands/topics. You don’t have to save any information you need by yourself, let Katapedia do that for you.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Data ArchivesYou can’t access Katapedia everyday? Don’t worry, Katapedia archives all information. You just need to define the keyword and time period, then Katapedia will show you the results along with their sentiment.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Mention Share AnalysisThis feature presents how many times your brand or topic are being mentioned in the news and social media, daily and monthly.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Media Share AnalysisThis feature shows which media that has been mentioning your brands or topics, daily and monthly. For simplicity, only the top 10 media are presented graphically. See “Tabular Data” menu for complete media share analysis.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Core AnalysisKatapedia is able to monitor and analysis any issues and topics deeply. Then the most important is Users could have a deeply comparison of an issues or just direct topic towards competitors.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Mention Trend AnalysisThis feature presents daily mention trend of your brands or topics in the news and social media.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Sentiment AnalysisThis feature presents automatic sentiment classification (positive, negative, neutral) for any conversations in social media. Katapedia using Naïve Bayes Classifier and Artifial Intelligent (AI) Neural Networks as sentiment engine for words in Bahasa Indonesia.

Click that numbers for detail information.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Content AnalysisThis feature shows a list of the top 15 words (verbs or adjectives only) mostly used in the mentions about your brands/topics.

Click here for more detailed information

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Top Person AnalysisThis feature shows a list of the top 15 persons that talks about your brands/topics in social media. These persons could be the influencers for your brands/topics. Please handle them with care

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

EngagementKatapedia provides a way to follow up with the ones talking about your brands/topics. You can engage them, build better relationship, and potentially create a new positive influencer for your brands.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Gender AnalysisThis feature identifies the gender of people that talk about your brands or topics. It is important to know the relevancies of your brands or topics with gender.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Top LocationThis feature presents the top 11 locations (cities) of people that talks about your brands or topics in social media.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social Share Index (SSI)This feature provides index for your brand and competitor’s brand based on mention and their sentiments in social media. The more positive your brand sentiment, the higher the SSI of your brand.

Low reputation

High reputation

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Additional MediaYou can use this feature to add more media channels to monitor your brands or topics as many as you need (unlimited).

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Report ConfigurationKatapedia gives a flexible way to configure the report you need. This report will be generated in PDF format and you can send it via email to as many addresses as you needed (unlimited).

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Reporting TypeKatapedia generates report in several ways:1. Daily Report, generated

every 7 am everyday.2. Weekly Report,

generated every 6 am on Monday.

3. Monthly Report, generated on the first day of the following month.

4. Custom Report, generated anytime you need it.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

DashboardKatapedia provides a dashboard to monitor any mention and sentiment about your brands or topics in the news and social media. It’s updated on daily basis.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Fitur TerbaruKATAPEDIAVersi 3.0

Dashboard Menampilkan data2 penting diseluruh channel online yang tersedia di katapedia disetiap harinya.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Media DarlingMenampilkan informasi tentang Brand apa saja yang menjadi pusat perhatian di media online (News Portal, Blogs, Forum, Youtube, Instagram) dan dapat menelusuri nama-nama media apa saja yang menampilkan Brand tersebut, sekaligus mengetahui Sentiment Media tersebut terhadap Brand yang dimaksud.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Daily Mention TrendMenampilkan data-data tiap JAM dari Brand yang sedang dipantau, sehingga pemilik Brand dapat mengetahui karakteristik dari pengguna social media yang membicarakan Brand tersebut.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Top Perception & Branding ScoreMenampilkan informasi persepsi pengguna social media terhadap suatu Brand dan seberapa KUAT persepsi tersebut melekat di benak pengguna social media.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social AIDA AnalysisMenampilkan informasi keberhasilan Marketing Campaign berdasarkan konsep AIDA (Atttention, Interest, Desire, Action) yang terjadi di Social Media (Twitter dan Facebook)

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social ROI AnalysisMenampilkan informasi yang membandingkan antara hasil aktivitas Marketing Campaign dengan target awal yang diharapkan terjadi pada Brand tersebut. Perbandingan antara hasil dan target ini dapat mengukur tingkat ROI (Return of Investment) dari setiap aktivitas Marketing Campaign yang dilakukan untuk Brand terkait.

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www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social Promotor Score (SPS)SPS mengadopsi konsep Net Promotor Score (NPS) yang sudah lama menjadi standard industri untuk mengukur tingkat kinerja perusahaan (sales, dll) berdasarkan tingkat kesediaan pelanggan (customer) untuk mempromosikan Brand yang dimiliki perusahaan tersebut.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social Share Index (SSI)Menampilkan informasi yang terkait REPUTASI dari sebuah Brand dibandingkan brand sejenis berdasarkan nilai sentiment pengguna social media terhadap brand-brand tersebut.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

HASTAG ANALYSISMenampilkan seluruh hastag yang muncul dari keywords yang sedang dipantau. Dilengkapi dengan Contributor hastag tersebut, Reach yang dicapai, dan Tracking Hastag harian.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

Kirim Email Seketika

EARLY WARNING SYSTEMMendeteksi Lonjakan Mention untuk antisipasi masalah sedini mungkin sebelum menjadi besar.

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools


http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2013/12/02/1501000/Survei.Katapedia.Gerindra.Paling.Populer.di.Twitterhttp://www.merdeka.com/politik/survei-di-sosial-media-gerindra-terpopuler-demokrat-urutan-8.htmlhttp://www.tribunnews.com/nasional/2013/12/02/november-2013-gerindra-miliki-popularitas-paling-tinggi-di-sosial-mediahttp://www.antaranews.com/berita/437533/katapedia-elektabilitas-prabowo-hatta-di-jejaring-sosial-meningkathttp://www.suarapembaruan.com/home/inilah-riset-perang-kubu-prabowo-hatta-dan-jokowi-jk-di-dunia-maya/56844http://pemilu.seruu.com/read/2014/07/04/220230/katapedia-jokowi-jk-unggul-di-media-sosialhttp://poskotanews.com/2014/07/04/jokowi-jk-menang-di-media-sosial/http://techno.okezone.com/read/2011/05/11/55/456014/katapedia-software-media-monitoring-asli-indonesiahttp://metroterkini.com/berita-7267-prabowohatta-ungguli-joko-widodojk-unggul-di-dunia-maya.htmlhttp://www.republika.co.id/berita/pemilu/menuju-ri-1/14/06/07/n6rpl1-kampanye-prabowohatta-dinilai-lebih-efektifhttp://www.infokomputer.com/2014/07/fitur/meneropong-politik-dengan-social-media-analytics/http://www.solopos.com/2014/07/24/jokowi-presiden-terpilih-ini-kunci-kemenangan-jokowi-jk-521578http://www.hidayatullah.com/berita/nasional/read/2014/11/18/33441/saatnya-galakkan-twitter-dakwah.htmlhttp://beritabulukumba.com/11458/survei-capres-farhat-abbas-ungguli-jokowi-di-twitterhttp://www.deliknews.com/2014/05/27/meski-gagal-capres-gita-wirjawan-punya-tim-socmed-yang-kuat/http://jaringnews.com/politik-peristiwa/umum/62768/elektabilitas-prabowo-hatta-di-media-sosial-meningkat-jokowi-jk-turunhttp://nasional.kompas.com/read/2013/10/28/1655327/Survei.Kasus.Sapi.Bikin.PKS.Paling.Populer.di.Media.Sosialhttp://www.suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/news/2014/06/18/206317/Kekuatan-Prabowo-Jokowi-Berimbang-di-Socmedhttp://politik.news.viva.co.id/news/read/471340-gita-wirjawan-paparkan-visi-sebagai-bakal-capres-siang-ini http://news.detik.com/berita/2397919/terpopuler-di-media-sosial-karena-kasus-sapi-ini-kata-pks

Liputan MediaKATAPEDIA

www.katapedia.id – Indonesian Social Media Monitoring Tools

“We love to discuss and to find what you really need about Social Media Monitoring. Please contact us…”


Deddy Rahmaninfo@katapedia.id

081212 781 082 (wa)
