Karel Charvat, HSRS


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Co-funded by the Community programmeeContentplus

European Network of BestPractices for Interoperabilityof Spatial Planning Information

Karel Charvatcharvat@ccss.cz

Help Service Remote SensingCzech Republic

Plan4all GeoPortal

Key questions What we learned from Plan4all

GeoPortal implementation? Are we on the end or on the

beginning? What will be feature of Plan4all


Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal promotes work of Plan4all team

Plan4all is some kind of social space for ICT in spatial planning

Plan4all GeoPortal is platform supporting integration of data from single pilot

Plan4all GeoPortal is reference platform for testing of local pilot implementations

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all components Authorization and authentification Content Management including

support for social activities Metadata management View services Spatial Data Management

Plan4all GeoPortal

Authorization and authentification Single login for all components

management of rights for access to data and metadata

Discovery and View services are accessible without password

Plan4all GeoPortal

Content Management – SimpleCMS Open Source Product

Supports publishing of information Guarantee interconnection with

social networks

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Metadata management Based on HSRS own product Micka Support for Plan4all Matadata model Currently divided into more

independent components

Plan4all GeoPortal

Metadata management – component Discovery client Metadata management Metadata editing Metadata import Metadata validation Metadata extractor – publishing non

spatial data

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

View services Own HSRS product Hslayers Using OpenLayers and ext Functional extension against OpenLayers Work with WMC Embeding of Map Window For some operation (printing, warping

used server side of client)

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Spatial Data Management Data uploading Data publishing

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Data support Urban Atlas – already available CLC2006 – under preparation Natura 2000 – under preparation

Plan4all GeoPortal

The experiences from Plan4all are transferred for other projects (namely Habitats)

The experiences are used also for commercial activities

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Plan4all GeoPortal

Are we on the end or on the beginning?

What will be feature of Plan4all Geoportal?

Plan4all GeoPortal

4th way concept

Plan4all GeoPortal

Public AdministrationINSPIREDefined life-cycle (?)Standards (OGC)Administration, legislative …Top-down initiative

CommunityOSM, soc. networks Unclear life-cycle+/- StandardsRich data sources

4th Way ?

PortalsGoogle, Yahoo, …Common internet userProprietary Dependent on providers (data ownership, licences…)

Plan4all GeoPortal

The idea is to continue with Plan4all team after end of the project

The way is to continue as team and update solution for long time sustainability

Plan4all GeoPortal

Thanks you for attention See you again on www.plan4all.eu
