I4G_ Social Media with Heather Mansfield


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Social Media for Social Good Heather Mansfield, Blogger at Nonprofit Tech 2.0

Author, Social Media for Social Good

The Story of “Nonprofit Organizations”

• The “Nonprofit Organizations” brand was born in July 2006 on Myspace.

• Press coverage lead to demand for help with Myspace – which led to the launch of DIOSA Communications.

• In the Fall of 2007, “Nonprofit Organizations” expanded to YouTube, Flickr, and Facebook. In 2008, to LinkedIn and Twitter. In 2009, Nonprofit Tech 2.0 was launched.

The Secret to Success?

• Trust your instinct and act on your passion.

• Hard work and long hours!

• A balanced family and social life.

• An active commitment to social good.

• Good technology and marketing skills.

Top 3 Social Media Best Practices

1. Design a square avatar of your logo and use it consistently on all social networks. (View Kiva, Toms, @NonprofitOrgs Favorites)

Top 3 Social Media Best Practices

2. Use social media for storytelling and inspiration, not marketing. (View Toms on Facebook, Kiva on Twitter)

Top 3 Social Media Best Practices

• Build your video and digital libraries! Social media has changed the way your supporters process information online. Many are struggling with information overload.

• Quite often a video or slideshow can better tell your story than text, and if done well, can create an emotional reaction and attachment your nonprofit’s work. (View Microsoft Citizenship on Facebook)


• You have to spend money to make money online. Social media is not free and web design needs to make a strong first impression. (View WWF, Furry Feet Rescue)

• You get out of social media what you put into it! There’s no such thing as overnight success on the Social Web.

• Questions?
