How to Improve Your Organization\'s Website Through Usability Testing



For a growing number of arts organizations, the web has become a key communications channel -- not just for sharing information, but for cultivating relationships with visitors. To what degree does your website deliver on its full potential? Does its visual and architectural design help or hinder visitors? What does it currently do well, and what specifically could improve? In this interactive workshop, you\'ll learn how usability testing can help to answer these questions. Created by Rober Barlow-Busch for the 2008 Technology in the Arts: Canada Conference.

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How to improve your organization’s website through usability testing

Technology in the Arts Canada 2008 • Robert Barlow-Busch

Photo by srboisvert on Flickr

Photo by E v a on Flickr


Setting the stage

Planning a usability test

Conducting a usability test

Determining what you’ve learned

Goal: Prepare you to test your own website.

Setting the stage

Usability testing in 5 words: Observe people using your website

Usability testing in 21 words: Observe people using your website

Identify issues…

By watching representative visitors…

Complete common tasks on your website.

Then fix the issues!

But why?

Make your website more useful to people.

Make your website more easy to use by people.

Make people want to visit — your website or your organization.

From informal, guerilla testing… …to the icing on the cake.

Photo by chotda on Flickr Photo by gorriti on Flickr

Welcome to the family!

Planning a usability test

Whom should you select as participants?

People representative of your actual (or desired) visitors.

Not yourself.

Not your designer(s).

Not people in your organization.

How many participants?

1? 8? 18? 80? A gazillion?

Finding participants

Where to find them: • A recruiting firm • Your personal and professional network • Current visitors (online or bricks ‘n mortar)

How to entice them: • Don’t ask for help —offer them a fun opportunity! • Provide incentives such as $$ or gift certificates

Where to conduct your usability test?

Roles on the testing team

Facilitator (mandatory) •  Interacts with the participant and runs the test.

Scribe (optional) • Takes comprehensive notes.

Equipment jockey (optional) • Sets up and monitors technology such as recording equipment.

Observer (optional) • Quietly watches the test • Usually a stakeholder from your organization.

Determining what to test

• Option 1: Formulate tasks in advance • Ensures you test specific parts of the website • Appropriate when you know what people want to do on the site

• Option 2: Interview participants and create ad-hoc tasks: • Ensures you test the website for realistic activities • Appropriate when you’d like to know what people want to do on

the site

Writing task instructions

Use the participant’s language.

Don’t inadvertently provide hints in your wording. •  “See if the museum has a guest policy for children’s strollers” •  “Find out if you’re allowed to bring a stroller to the museum”

Tasks can be very specific… •  “Can you visit the gallery this Saturday at 5:30 pm?”

…or rather general •  “Find out if this organization offers any services that interest you.”

What websites shall we test today?

Some ideas: • Technology in the Arts (.org) • Royal Ontario Museum • Waterloo Children’s Museum • CBC Radio: Ideas • Canada Council for the Arts

Suggestions or volunteers? • Site should be of reasonable

size/richness • Bonus: knowing business

goals so we can create tasks to test them

Exercise: Planning a usability test

1. Select a website to test.

2. Identify five tasks and write instructions for each.

Conducting a usability test

A common schedule

• Orientation: 15 minutes

• Tasks: 1 hour

• Debriefing: 15 minutes

• TOTAL: 90 minutes

Photo by Mrs. Maze on Flickr

Orienting your participant

• Explain the purpose of your test •  “You’ll be using our website today to help us figure out where it needs

improvement.” •  “We’re not testing you. You’re helping us test the product.”

• Interview them to: • Confirm they meet your recruiting criteria (expect surprises sometimes) • Gather information for planning ad-hoc tasks • Establish rapport

Facilitating the test

• Ask participants to “think aloud” while they perform tasks • Can be very helpful if you demonstrate first

• Probe or prompt for their thoughts if necessary • Does their body language reveal or suggest anything? •  “What’s going through your mind now…?”

• Avoid showing approval or disapproval.

Testing with younger audiences

Plan on less hands-on testing time • More time needed to put them at ease • Kids can find it hard to focus for long periods

Invite parents to accompany them • But advise parents not to influence them; seat

them out of sight?

Expect more requests for help •  “What do you think you’d do here?... Any

guesses?... How about one last try…?”

Make it a playful experience!

Photo by Hey Paul on Flickr

Taking notes

DO record observations: what you see and hear • E.g., Suzie never scrolled down the page

DON’T record inferences: why you think something happened • E.g., Suzie doesn’t like to scroll

Take note of “sound bites” •  “It’s like trying to drive a car with the dashboard ripped out!”


Probe for qualitative feelings about the website • What are the two things you most liked about the site? Disliked?

Collect quantitative data if desired. E.g., On a scale of 1–5: • How successful were you in accomplishing today’s tasks? • How would you rate the site’s visual design? • How confident did you feel about where you were in the site at all


Photo collage: How I feel about your organization…

Photo collage: ...and how I feel about your website.


Exercise: Conducting a usability test

You have 15 minutes to conduct each test.

Tips for each role: • Facilitator: Explain tasks, prompt to think aloud, deflect questions • Scribe: Record positives, negatives, and good “sound bites” • Participant: Do your best to role-play if you’re not the target audience

Rules: • Do not be the participant if it’s your website • When we switch, take on a role you haven’t tried yet

Determining what you’ve learned

Identify the highs and lows

• Review your notes from each test • Catalog both usability issues and what went well

• Look for patterns across all your tests • Try “affinity diagramming”

• Prioritize the issues: • Showstopper: Participant couldn’t proceed • Serious: Caused major confusion or loss of confidence •  Improvement: A minor annoyance

Should you recommend fixes?

Photo by zerega on Flickr

Report options

Do nothing!

List highlights in an email.

Write a document outlining the methodology, observations, and results.

Create a multimedia extravaganza.

Exercise: Determining what you’ve learned

Form groups of people who were Scribes for each site.

Each of you provide 1 positive finding, 1 issue, and 1 sound bite.

As a group, make one recommendation for a high-impact fix.


Thank you!

Robert Barlow-Busch Director of Product Design Primal Fusion Inc.

