Growth hacking: A love story



What is 'growth hacking' and why do you need it? Find out. I promised you a love story, so click through to see if it all works out in the end. Check out the blog post at

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Growth hacking 101 explained as a love story

Growth hacking defined.

★ A process. A mindset. ★ Lean marketing for startups.★ A marriage of engineering and marketing.★ What they didn’t tell you about their viral growth.★ Building a self-perpetuating marketing machine.★ Coming up with ingenious tech-based avenues for

product growth.★ Developing repeatable, scalable methods for growth,

driven by product and inspired by data.

Growth hacking 101 explained as a love story

Some pains. Growth challenges.

★ Nailing the distribution:• New channel creation.• Channel saturation.

★ The “best product” fallacy:• Today, a stronger distribution strategy can beat a superior product.• “If anyone tells you products sell themselves, they probably want

you to fail” – Phil Libin, co-founder and CEO of Evernote.★ Product-growth fit:

• After product-market fit, this is the most daunting challenge for startups.

• Many think marketing will be the easy part.• Challenging to find the right method (from 100s) to acquire a

customer and monetize.

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Growth hacking 101 explained as a love story

The process: press hack to proceed.

1. Define actionable goals. 2. Setup analytics to track your goals.3. Leverage your existing strengths.4. Experiment.5. Refine your experiment.6. Repeat steps 1 - 5.

Growth hacking 101 explained as a love story

and their startup metrics...

Dave McClure’s Framework:★ Acquisition: visitors get to your site from various channels.★ Activation:

visitors enjoy first time visit; ‘happy’ user experience.★ Retention:

users come back, visit site multiple times.★ Referral:

users like site enough to refer others.★ Revenue:

users conduct some monetization behaviour.

AARRR!!!more on startup metrics for pirates

Growth hacking 101 explained as a love story

...using growth hacking only?

★ Use THE funnel:• Funnels help direct things which are hard to control, like liquids.• Direct people to take pre-defined actions on your website.

★ Monitor each stage of your funnel:• Getting visitors.• Activating members.• Retaining users.

★ Optimize the conversion rate at different stages:• Use analytics.• Conduct experiments and learn from them.• Take action.

★ Keep an eye on the big picture:• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).• Overall funnel conversion rate.• Create testable, scalable, repeatable methods for growth.

Growth hacking 101 explained as a love story

They didn’t use traditional marketing...★ These brands use(d) growth hacking to grow their

brands and increase profits.

Growth hacking 101 explained as a love story

and some specific examples...Attracted many early on by allowing its users to cross-post their listings to craigslist, which was already popular. Back then craigslist had no public API.

Attracted many through clear calls to action, simplicity, refer-a-friend program, dropquests and more incentives to connect on social media.

Attracted many and lost many till they came up with their much talked about on-boarding process that makes new users get to the AHA moment faster. Increased retention and acquisition.

Growth hacking 101 explained as a love story

Mr. Miyagi say...

Learn how to use chopsticks and how to catch flies

Growth hacking 101 explained as a love story

7 take-outs.1. Learn how to catch flies attention, convert and retain.2. Build it and they won’t come – make them come +

stay.3. Virality is not the norm – it’s engineered into products.4. Product and distribution are both important – good

product + bad distribution = bad result.5. Monitor and optimize your funnel. Listen to your

website visitors + users and respond.6. Leaky buckets don’t need more water – retention

trumps acquisition.7. Growth hacking is a mindset that’s about creativity

and creating scalable and repeatable methods for growth driven by product and inspired by data.

Growth hacking 101 explained as a love story

The love story...and some mathVisitor meets website = Blind date. Good first impression = More dates. Visitor finds website interesting = Status change to ‘in a relationship’.

Visitor turns member – subscribes, signs up or makes a purchase. Newly in love with your site (honeymoon).

Tells friends about it = Referrals. Your website’s worth proven repeatedly and value still stands = Repeat visits, activations and referrals. Member goes from being ‘in a relationship’ to ‘married’ = Member turned user. Site keeps long time users happy = Happily married.

Growth hacking methods get as many blind dates and turn as many of those blind dates into happy marriages. And happily ever afters. With creativity and science.