Financial Services: Beyond Gen Y


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Beyond Gen Y

Financial Services Thought Leader

Visions on the Digital Bank


Adam NashFounder CEO,

Wealthfront Financial Services


Chris SkinnerChairman, Financial Services Club

Author, Digital Bank

Jerry SilvaResearch Director,

IDC Financial Insights

Brett KingFounder and CEO, Moven

Author, BANK 3.0

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“By 2017, in the United States Gen Y's earning capacity

will exceed that of baby boomers, so we have to have

a strategy. In recent surveys, we've seen that up to

two-thirds of millennials would be happy to get a bank

account from a company like Facebook, Google,

Twitter or someone like that.”Source: Brett King


“It's our lives as businesses that are being disrupted.

Not because of technology, but because millennials in

Gen Y’s behavior around technology is so embedded

that it’s disruptive. It's their behavior that's the biggest

disruption rather than the technology.”Source: Brett King


“Our recent surveys tell us that even the millennials

want to see the branch there and are visiting it quite

often. So to me, the branch really represents that

mixture of a physical experience, a staffing

experience, and a digital experience that the

millennials are growing up with.”Source: Jerry Silva


“Self-service kiosks and ATMs are

getting much more advanced in terms of their

functionality, and the older generations, the baby

boomers, are picking up and adopting those

technologies just as well as the millennials.”Source: Jerry Silva


“We're very focused on the millennial investor.

We believe that this generation is looking for a

different solution, one that's automated, passive

and low-cost.”Source: Adam Nash


“The reason millennials like automation so much is

quite frankly they grew up with software and they

expect it. They don't expect a human being to look

at their account every day or make an

individualized decision.”Source: Adam Nash


“There's some subtle differences between millennials

and boomers. I don't think you can view it as a

demographic, age-based offer, because that's a

mistake. You know, there's plenty of cool silver

surfers who are far more digital than some

of the millennials.”


Source: Chris Skinner

“I view it as a more as a psychographic structure

rather than a demographic structure, and by

psychographic, it's ‘How comfortable am I with

digital connectivity, with using these devices, with

feeling confident of my own financial decision making?’”Source: Chris Skinner



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