Expanding Your Reach



A presentation given on April 28, 2013 to the Pacific Union Conference Tech community about enlarging your reach. http://db.tt/RfHGvSyl to download the audio from the presentation.

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Chip Dizárd






What will we do?

Introductions/ Background Why Video? Your Platform Blogging Basics How to get to known in 60 Seconds or

Less YouTube Strategies Fundraising using Video


Introduction/ Background


Why use Video?


5 Reasons

1. Video Can by Syndicated More Effectively

2. It Establishes Your Personality Quickly3. Using Video Differentiates You4. Sometimes A Picture is Worth A

Thousand Words5. Video Plays better on Mobile Devices

than text


Your Platform


What is a Platform?

NY Times Best selling Author Michael Hyatt says “great ideas are no longer enough, without a platform—something that enables you to get seen and heard—don’t have a chance. Book “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy



This is True Now More Than Ever The market is more crowded than ever People are more distracted than ever


5 Benefits of a Platform

1. Visibility2. Amplification3. Connection4. Credibility5. Home-base


Blogging Basics


What I use

Wordpress.org self hosted blog Genesis Framework and Studio Press

Theme Plugins

Tweet Old Post Responsive Video Embeds nRelated Content


Guest Blogging

That’s good, but how do I grow it?


How to be known in 60 seconds or less


4 Step Method

Identity  Struggle  Discovery Result 


Let’s Look at this in depth

Identity-Rebecca Davis- A Pastor Struggle-Recently had a miscarriage Discovery-That God can be a present

help Result-Listen to me as I have a Word for

your Womb


Your Turn

Write a short script and let’s share out.






Strong Intro…What you will cover Bumper Main Content (I like 5 steps) Bloopers Add Annotations and/or

Captions/Description Call to Action and Subscribe YouTube Partnership


Fundraising Using Video



You see that word and you know that it’s fundraising.

Every successful Kickstarter campaign has a video

There are also sites like GoFundMe.com Indiegogo.com and more.


Keys to a Successful Crowd-funding Video

1. You have to be short and succinct 60 to 90 seconds is great.

2. Don't look like you are reading a script. (Be passionate)

3. Use graphics/broll or supporting evidence for things you can't say.

4. Get behind the scenes pics so you can share with your personal social network

5. Say and make sure you have a link to the fundraiser site (kickstarted, gofundme, indiegogo, paypal) make sure it is easy for people to know how to donate even if they see the video somewhere other than the donation site.


Technical details

1. Keep the video as a talking head sitting or standing.

2. Don't wear distracting clothes or have a distracting background.

3. Keep a steady shots if you don't know how to work a camera.

4. Edit in for continuity.  Just like this video. That is make the video flow in a seamless fashion. No jump cuts. 


Key Questions the video should answer

1. Who are you what is the project? 2. Why should I donate? 3.How can I donate? 4. What's the deadline? Optional  5. So what? What's in it for me?


Recommended Reading

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt

The Accidental Creative by Todd Henry The Slight Edge: Turning Simple

Disciplines into Massive Success by Jeff Olsen

The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs by Carmine Gallo


In Conclusion

Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still. --Chinese Proverb
