Evolution of www ppt




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Evolution of WWW

So World Wide Web…

Network of Computers

Service which runs on the



World Wide Web or WWW or Web as defined in Wikipedia

It is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet

Who proposed it ?

Tim Berners-Lee

Lets look in to the history…

This is the NeXtT computer

Used by Berners-Lee as web server

• World’s first web server was developed1990

Web 1.0

ScreenShot of msn.com from the year1995

Most of the pages were static

There wer only images(mostly animateGIFs..) and hyperlinks

Readers or Users were unable contribute to the site

Web 2.0

Web 3.0

Tim Berners-Lee described semantic web as the most important

component of web 3.0

Hence the web is required to be more meaningful

Eric Shmidt described Web 3.0 as the web should be able to run any

device and every thing will be on the cloud.

How HTML5 helps to make a semantic web


<dd>Mark Zuckerberg</dd><dt>Position</dt> <dd><span >Developer advocate</span> for <span>Google, Inc.<span></dd></dl>

Part of a normal webpage

How HTML5 helps to make a semantic web


<dd itempprop=“name”>Mark Zuckerberg</dd><dt>Position</dt> <dd><span itempprop=“title”>CEO</span> for <span itempprop=“company”>facebook</dd></dl>

Make it more meaning full…

There are lot of other elements like <article>,<section>,<summary>… helps a webpageto be more meaningful.

And that’s all…Thank U..