Evaluation 6


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Evaluation 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Technologies used

Throughout this project I have learnt different technologies of the process of production. For example I have learnt how to use a Camera, tripod, IMac software such as garage band and also premier pro for editing our opening.


I used a digital camera so my video quality would be good. I have learnt how you should set up a camera on a tripod, you must make sure the legs are placed on the floor and tightly screwed at the side, if you want a tilt, pan and steady camera shot you must move the lever up or down. I used a tripod because it would help me achieve steady camera shots and shots such as panning which we used at the beginning of our opening sequence. Next time we should use a microphone, as we has a majority of dialogue it would have been better if it was clearer as it picked up different background sounds.

IMac and editing Software

It was very difficult at first to use the IMacs particularly for garage band, but as solution for our problems we choose to watch tutorials on how to use it making it much easier for us to create our own soundtrack and pick out sound effects that we thought would be suitable for our opening. This was the same for the premier pro editing software we used to edit our film, at first we found it hard to even just upload our video’s which meant that we lost someone of our editing work therefore had to start again.

As we came to terms with how to use the software it eventually became easier to use specifically for effects and transitions, such as fade out, face crossover and film dissolve which we used mostly for our credits and a fade to black at the end with the title coming up at the end. We also attempted to use after effects in order to change the lighting of our opening so it would have a dingy appearance highlighting the genre of a thrillers.

Uploading and Blogging

I have used blogger to upload our videos such as our pre-liminary, first cut and final cut. And also used it when analysing other film openings such as Vertigo and Pyscho. I choose blogger because it is easier to access and work however I found that wix and weebley seemed to allow you to create a more versatile blog giving you more options of layout and design, although to begin with many people had trouble accessing this.

Uploading and Blogging

To upload our video first we had to upload them on a YouTube account and then click the video icon which allowed you to select a video from YouTube to put on your blog. This has also been the same for uploading pictures and screenshots of our opening in order to demonstrate what I am saying on my blog. I have also learnt and discovered new technology such as slide share, which creates a PowerPoint for you and Prezi which is another form of a presentation giving you choices of templates such as my newspaper template, this is a creative version of a PowerPoint making it visually to look better and more interesting for readers.

How technology has helped us?

From using these new technologies it has shown that it is relatively easy to make a film look more professional even if perhaps the filming doing go as well or that there were problems with the lighting and sound. As our filming wasn’t up to the standard as what its could have been, the editing software helped to improve the clips we had taken from filming and re-arrange it into an improved version. It has allowed us to develop our opening sequence and even helped us to create effects like Alfred Hitchcock using in his films.