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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


The Future City,

City of


Woo Wen Jian 0315123

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


FNBE April 2013 |


1. Introduction 2

2. A City

3. Investigation & Data Collection: The Ancient cities Investigation & Data

Collection: The present city/cities

4. Investigation & Data Collection: The future city/cities

5. The “X” City

6. The New “X” City / Or the new name

7. The Process and Progress

8. The Conclusion

9. References list

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


1. Introduction

1.1ENBE Final Project- The Future City.

From the past to the present and maybe even to the future, human and

evolving in term of educations, living, etc. The best part is, at the same time the cities

will evolve along with that stuff as well. Whereas the city will evolves in term of the

facilities, infrastructures, how it will sustain itself and etc.

This project is a project to help student to understand a city as every city in

this world have a different characteristic. This project consist of 2 parts,

Part 1-Individual(25%)

Preparing a future city

-a video about the future city

-a report about the future city

Part 2-Group (15%)

Preparing a model of the city

-within a group, a city will be chosen and students are asked to build a

model of the city.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


2. The City

2.1 The City Definition.

According to Oxford dictionary(6th edition), It defines city /ˈsɪti/ as “a large and

important town”, as well as an incorporated municipality usually governed by a

mayor and a board of aldermen or councilmen.

The existence of a city is simply because of a group of people that stayed

together at an area and as time passes by, the group gets bigger and bigger. As the

population of the community that stays at the place exceeds over 100,000 people,

that place will automatically recognized as a city.

2.2 What makes a city.

A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban

settlement and also have administrative, legal, or historical status based on local law.

Besides calling a place a city by the number of populations that exceed 100,000

people, there are not much and exact requirements for a city, but a city have to have

a stationary population that does not migrate. In addition, a city is larger than a town

and has better infrastructure and services.

2.3 What makes a good city.

Government of the city should provide the services to the people like:

A safe water supply and sanitation system.

A steady economy growth

An easy access able transportation network on every level.

A reasonable tax base

Great education institution

Protection from forces like polices and armies

Housing for all. Affordable housing, as well as high end housing

A built in arts and culture environment,

Affordable medical, community services, and fire protection.

It should be walkable with large footpaths along its roads.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


People/ population is one of the most important key that makes a city a city.

As the technologies nowadays are so innovative and most of the new gadgets will

simply just blew off our minds, we should not go forth for the living of “High-tech,

Low-life”. As people living in the city are with high and great mentality, the people

themselves will do good to ensure the environment they are living in are always at

the top notch of living.

2.4 What is the future city.

The city of tomorrow, it’s not unlike the one our ancients lived in, will have

most of the things we had right now today but we’re amend them and makes the

services and infrastructure into something that is with more easy accessibility as well

as towards a greener concept in order to conserve the environment .

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


3. Investigation & Data Collection:

Ancient Cities-Tenochtitlán

3.1 History

Tenochtitlan was the home of the immigrant Mexican, one of the names for

the Aztec culture people who founded the city in AD 1325 on an swampy island in

the middle of Lake Texcoco, in the Basin of Mexico.

3.2 Things that makes it a significant city

Surrounded by "floating gardens" - artificially created islands where produce was

grown - Tenochtitlán was joined to the mainland by three causeways. An aqueduct supplied fresh water from Chapultepec.

Along with the many palaces and marketplaces of the city the Tecpan, a central plaza contained the two principal temples, built on a huge terraced pyramid. The famous Calendar Stone of the Aztecs was found in the Tecpan.

By 1519, the year the Spaniards arrived, Tenochtitlán - Tlatelolco had a population of more than 200,000. It was laid out on a grid plan and covered more than 12 km2 (4.6 mi2), much of this consisting of reclaimed swampland that formed a zone of fertile garden plots around the edge of the city.

At the center of Tenochtitlán was a large walled precinct, the focus of religious activity, containing the main temples (dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, Tlaloc the Rain God, and Quetzalcóatl.Just outside the precinct walls were the palaces of Montezuma II and earlier

rulers. A 16-km (10-mi) dike sealed off part of the lake and controlled flooding, so that Tenochtitlán, like a Mexican Venice, stood on an island in an artificial lagoon. Causeways linked the island to the lakeshore, and canals reached to all parts of the city.

Figure 3.1 an artistic impression of the city of Tenochtitlan

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


3.3 Conclusion about the cities. The city of Tenochtitlán is a well-planned city that was considered as a floating

city as it was built above an artificial lagoon. As there this lagoon, the people of Aztec

used it as a water transportation system to travel from part to the other parts of the city

as long as the part was connected to the water canals.

3.4 Information or element that could be used to City of Wafoun.

Information that could be extracted out from this elegance city is its Water

transportation system, The people of Tenochtitlán didn’t let the water lagoon goes to waste

and on the other hand the use it well as the water transportation system.

Figure 3.1 an artistic impression of the city of tenochtitlan

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


4. Investigation & Data Collection:

Present Cities- City of Venice

Figure 4.1 A top view of city of Venice

4.1 History

Were estimated that the city starts off around the 6th to 8th centuries where it

was founded by the romans Venice became a wealthy independent trading republic

in the 10th century and was also renowned as a center of early publishing; 15% of all

printed books before 1500 were printed in Venice.

Years later in 812, Venice became a Byzantine province – under the

protection of the Eastern Roman Empire, the city was able to develop in peace. In

828 Venetian merchants stole the bones of St. Mark the Evangelist from Alexandria,

who became Venice’s patron saint. His symbol, the winged lion, was from now on

the landmark of Venice. Living on the water, the Venetians were skilled sailors and


Thanks to the protection of Byzantium, which opened all ports to the

Venetians, the lagoon city quickly developed into a state trading power and managed

to gain extraordinary wealth. Due to the volume of trade, Venice eventually became

the largest financial centre in Europe. Dated back to 14th century, Venice with some

150,000 inhabitants, itself had grown to become the third largest city in Europe after

Paris and Naples. At the end of the 18th century Venice experienced a cultural

high but was politically a mere shadow of itself.

When Napoleon appeared in front of the lagoon in 1797, the city surrendered

without a fight. Napoleon looted the city before giving it to the Austrians, who

incorporated Venice into the Habsburg Empire until 1866.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


The Austrians modernized the lagoon city and connected it to the mainland for

the first time with a railway bridge. In 1866 the Habsburgs moved back from Venice

and left the lagoon city to the new Italian kingdom. Poverty and economic decline

characterized the years that followd. It was only after the First World War that the

port was moved to Marghera and the Venetians began the construction of heavy


With the onset of tourism in the second half of the 20th century with the

estimated population of 263,996 people, relocation of the center of lagoon city began,

which has continued to the present day. Venice’s future success, however, will

depend on solving environmental problems in the lagoon.

4.2 Things that makes it a significant city

1. Geographically Unique- Venice captured the impression of a magical floating city

by setting wood pilings on the 118 submerged islands in the Northern end of the

Adriatic Sea. 400 footbridges and 170 boat canals connect the city to make it easily

accessible to the local populace.

2. No Cars- No cars only boats, gondola, water and lots of walking. If you go in the

boat around the canal you see so many wonderful things and each calle and alley is

so different.

Figure 4.2 A human bridge found in venice

4.3 Conclusion about the cities.

Venice is unique because it's the only floating city with many floods all year

round. It is also unique by the fact of the transportation that they used over there as

there are no cars only boats and gondolas around Venice

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


4.4 Information or element that could be used to City of Wafoun.

Its unique transportation as it could cut down the number of cars used thus it

could cut down the use of fossil fuel that makes the car moves. Eventually it could

also help makes the environment a better place.

Figure 4.3 A boat is crossing beneath the bridge

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


5. Investigation & Data Collection:

Future Cities- City in the movie of Total

Recall(2012) 5.1 History

In the year 2084, chemical warfare devastates the Earth. There is little habitable

land remaining and it is divided into two territories — the United Federation

of Britain (UFB, located around Britain) and the Colony (located around Australia).

Many residents of the Colony travel to the UFB to work in their factories using a

mega mechanism called as "the Fall", a gravity elevator, which travels through the

Earth from the end of a side(Australia) to opposite end(Britain) or vice versa.

UFB is basically a wonderful city with a sorts of future modernistic technologies

such as floating cars, on palm cellphone, and etc where rich people and government

section located at.

Figure 5.1 A fan art of perspective of the ULB city.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


Whereas the Colony is a very dull, dark and low life area most likely to the low

wealth residential area we’re having in our community these days.

Figure 5.2 A scene in the movie where the main actor staring at the city of Columbia from his balcony.

5.2 Things that makes it a significant city

What makes it so special about the city/cities are because of the contrast of the cities where low wealth and high wealth residential are separated that much. Not just that, It has also a giant elevator that moves from Australia to Britain by defying the gravity of the earth’s core.

5.3 Information or element that could be used to City of Wafoun.

One good thing about the city is that technology will helps us in life a lot but at the

same time, technology will also bring u down. Next thing is that, the city of Colony allow

great walkability that in which the actors can walk around various places. Not just it, he gain

easy access to a lot of store in just a short and convenient parameter from his house.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


6. The “X” City- Puchong

6.1 History

It was establish in the early 1900, The town used to be a rubber estate and

mining town in the 1960s. During the 1980s, Puchong consisted of a single two-lane

road running through estates and villages. Since then, urbanization has occurred

rapidly with many industrial parks, commercial centres and residential areas

mushrooming along Jalan Puchong.

After years had passed, around the millennium, Puchong started serving as a

residential town for three major cities, Kuala Lumpur, Subang Jaya and Petaling

Jaya. New townships are sprouting from the once-abandoned lands, former

plantations and cleared-forest areas, contributing to the population boom witnessed

in recent years in Puchong.

Puchong is well-linked to other parts of Klang Valley via the Damansara-

Puchong Expressway(LDP) and Puchong-Sungai Besi Highway. Puchong is also

accessible via Federal Highway (exit at Motorola); Shah Alam Expressway and New

Pantai Expressway (NPE). There are also bus services connecting Puchong

to Kuala Lumpur, Subang Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Putrajaya and Cyberjaya

Bus services are provided by RapidKL buses and Metro Bus which have routes

along Jalan Puchong to various destinations around Klang Valley.

6.2 The people and places

The residences around Puchong are local Malaysian with a estimated

population of 335,419 people, and there are about 50 new township around Puchong.

There’s a few types of general religion could be found around the city is Buddhism,

Muslim, Christians, Hinduism, Sikhism and etc.

6.3 For the best

The people of the city need a better transportation system because during the

peak hours, it will be a messed at the highways. For a small city with a huge

population of 300,000, it’s best that the people can carpool together to work or

maybe government should provide more public transports for the public in order to

ease the traffic congestion during the peak hours.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


7. The New “X” City- City of Wafoun

7.1 Problems + Solution

The problem faced by the people and the city is the rise of the sea level

causing land has been covered by sea. To overcome this problem, I as a mayor

have decided to build a city above water, the reason why am I decided that is

because it will be easier for the citizen to travel around if the city Is on water.

Reason as a mayor I didn’t go for underground is that going for an

underground city will cause people who used to see the light and feel the freshness

of the air became a big problem. People could just take the boats like city of venice if

they wanted to travel around within the city, and it won’t affects their emotions as

they can feel the nature better than going underground, or even underwater.

When it comes to statement like “why don’t you build it floating on air??”, and

the answer to it will be, the air current above air is too high and it will takes a lot and

costly materials to build it. Unlike an floating on air city, City of Wafoun will be

connecting with the other city and countries as we provide transportation like Airports

and Shipping ports.

7.2 Important characteristic and element of City of Wafoun + Zoning

One of the thing about City of Wafoun besides floating on water, it has an

outer look of a Water fountain, Thus the name of Wafoun is actually the combination

of the 2 words. The shaped of the fountain has 4 layers, the top most layer is an

Opera House as well as a observation tower, the second layer is layer with 4 basic

religious institution-Church, Mosque, Chinese and Hindu Temple. Third layer is a

park and the last layer is the residential, commercial, industrial and etc.

As for the water supply, there’s water suction beneath the city to suck water

up and then there’s pump, filter and storage in the middle of the city after the pump

section. After that, the clean water will be distributed throughout the city when the

water is being pumped upwards, at the same time there’s a free flowing water that is

not distributed to the city will be pumped up al well. When it reaches the top, the

water distribution will stopped at the highest layer of the city and the free flowing

water will be flow out of the Opera House and flow downwards layer via layer and at

the end it goes back to the sea.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


The electricity supply of Wafoun is generated by 22 blocks of Solar Arc

Building. The blocks contain 7000 pieces of photovoltaic panel which can generate

around 11,660,000killowatts per annum to support the whole city.

From top plan view, Wafoun is a circle shaped structure with 2 wings grow out

from both sides, that 2 sides is actually airport and also shipping port. While in the

middle it is the 4 layered-tower located. The residential area is surrounding the tower

and the reason for that is because it will allow easy access for the residents to go

around the city. The commercial area and business area is located near the airport

because we wanted to allow tourists get to there as easy as possible without

congesting the traffics.

This city is a Education-Residential City. We are going forth for education is

because education is an important thing in people life, and as an mayor it’s my duty

to let my citizens have the chance to have that opportunity to get into a higher level

of education. Not just that, due to the well-known Tengr University, people from the

other cities also travel to here to study, well they won’t have to worry about living

here because we have prepared hostel for the university’s students.

7.3 Conclusion

This new city of Wafoun will not just solved the problem where people has lost

their land due to the rise in sea level, it still provides loads of facilities and

infrastructures for the citizen. It is a green city where green innovations are used

widely here in order to save mother earth from being harm again.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


8. The Process & Progress

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


9. Conclusion

After this assignments, I’ve really learned that conserving and preserving the

environment are really important. We takes a lot of things from the nature for granted

and reversely we did a lot of activities every single days that causes a lot harm to

mother earth. Which somehow it causes all sort of natural disasters to back to us.

At the meantime, I’ve learnt that every existing city have their own specialty like

axis and vistas of the city. Like for example, the city of Eixample, Barcelona, have its

very own grid system in the city which allow a great walkability for the people.

Lastly, I do want to say that I will really need to learn how to manage my time

well so that I could finish everything on time and try not getting into the last minute

panic moment ever again.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Woo Wen Jian | 031523 | Group w | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University


10. Reference Links











