Emerita salvador how to set up facebook page



Facebook page is for your business, services, or organizations because you engage with your audience and it can grows by posting regularly. Here is a step by step Basic tutorial that will surely help you to get started. Very logical and no technical words used. It is a tool that every virtual people need to know.

Citation preview

How to create a Facebook Page"

Go tohttps://

www.facebook.com/pages/create.php "


choose what category"

click agree and get started"

set up now your page"

add profile picture"

profile pic now already set"

click next"


start posting now on your

newly createdFacebook page"

About Facebook Timeline"

This is your Timeline"


and another"

This is the Cover Page"

Dimension size: 851pixels"

by 315pixels"

What is a Pixels?"

A pixel is a dot"

when you put together,forms an image

~ by http://www.filipinova.com/!

Facebook Rules:"

Do not use calls to action"

like:“Get it now”“Buy now”"

No price or purchase


like:“100% off”

“Contact us at”“email us”

“download it on”"


This is the profile picture"

size: 180 pixels"

by 180 pixels"

These are tabs/apps"

Tabs were like putting website on

your Facebook page ~ by http://www.filipinova.com/ "

size for Thumbnail image"

111 pixels"

by 74 pixels"

if you want to mark a significant event

in you business"

you can add a milestone"

Click Offer, Event +"

Choose Milestone"

Enter your details"

before you choose your photo"

Milestone photos size:"

843 pixels"

by 403 pixels"

choose a photo"

Click Save"

Well, a lot of us say "yes" when asked

"do you want work from home"? We all think its some kind of fantasy (that's impossible) or it's heaven (I


Why not stop the speculation and investigate what to expect, how much can you earn,

and know more about how you can do this

"work at home thing".  

I’m a living testimonial who mentored by the number one Philippine’s Online

Marketing Guru Mr. Jomar Hilario

He will train you on how you can start making steps to leaving your stressful work and just staying in your bedroom

all day ...while earning!

Click here to know more: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?


It is a Seminar for To Become a Virtual Assistant / Work at Home Moms and

Dads and Yuppies. Try it out, it's about time you spent more

time at home. Emerita Salvador

Photo credits:"h#ps://www.facebook.com/PhilippinesVirtualAssistantGuru    h#ps://www.facebook.com/thebrainygal      h#ps://www.facebook.com/CancerCentersofSouthwestOklahoma      h#ps://rwilliams1.pbworks.com/w/page/62943423/Welcome        

Thank you"
