Elks by Alex


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● By: Alex


● The Elk is one of the largest mammals in the world. It is 4 1/2 feet tall and it is brown or tan. It has fur for it’s covering. In fall it has thin hair.


● It lives in grass all over the United States and some continents. They are a distinct species.

Living Habits

● Males have large antlers. Hunters don’t shoot them very often. Sometimes the grass they’ve been eating has been poisoned and some die. When one dies others have to run and find a new pack. Sometimes they can’t find a new pack.


● When it is born it weighs 15-16 kg . When it is born it is 6 months old. It’s gestation period is 240 to 262 days long. It has orange spots until it gets older. Elk calves weigh as much as an adult white tailed deer.

Interesting Facts

● There is an elk called a Bull Elk. In spring they shed their coat. They grow back in Winter. When it is mating sometimes it’s horns fall off. When they are eating, herds tend to employ scouts while the rest eat and sleep. They have a strong front leg kick. Their hides are good for teepee covering, blankets, clothing and footwear.

The End
