Effective Student Management (EduERP)



Presentation given an EduERP at the University of Lagos in February 2013. Objective was to educate university CIOs on what to look for in software used for student management.

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|- Problem analysis

|- Review of the status quo

|- General principles for effectiveness

|- Critical to success factors

Mukom Akong T | @perfexcellent Slide 2

Student M


After this section, you should be able to:

①  Describe the problems with student management ②  List the key elements of the problem

Mukom Akong T | @perfexcellent Slide 4

Meet … Seun Ibhrahim

He HATES queues!

In 2013, why should someone stand on a queue to …!

☀  Collect forms

☀  Pay fees at a bank

☀  Get signatures & stamps on forms

☀  Submit filled forms

☀  Apply for a transcript

☀  Be issued a transcript

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What are the queues a symptom of?

After this section, you should be able to:

①  Describe how student data is managed today ②  Identify what works ③  Identify what does not work ④  Identify what is missing

Discussion Questions!

“What constitutes great student data management?”

§  How will it make Seun’s life better?

§  How will it benefit the university?

Mukom Akong T | @perfexcellent Slide 8

Discussion Questions!

“Who are the stakeholders in delivering great student data


§  Who are the actors involved?

§  What is their current ‘pain’?

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Discussion Questions!

“What data needs to be captured?”

§  Why is that data important?

§  Who will provide the data?

§  What format should it be presented in?

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What data do we need about him?!


Contact details

Full academic record

Course yet to be cleared

Courses registered for

Courses cleared

Carry-over courses

Fee payment history

Disciplinary record

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Discussion Questions!

“how do the current set of ‘portals’ match up?”

§  What have they gotten right?

§  What have they gotten wrong?

§  What are they lacking?

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#1| Define a unifying purpose!

☀ “WHY are we

doing this?”

☀ Guides


☀ Clarifies

process goals

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#2| Address all stakeholder’s needs!

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#3| Clearly defined process!

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I-P-O!The set of steps and business logic

required to transform inputs into outputs









#4| Use the best tool for the job!

☀ Databases

☀ Web front-ends

☀ APIs for integration

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Ensure your tools support sharing of data

#5| Integrate like crazy!

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Academic Records!

Financial Records!


Student ID cards!

Library system!

Infotech services!

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Get buy-in!






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Status updates

System outage

New features

Discontinued features

Use cases

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Define & clarify all Processes!

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Stakeholder-specific training!

☀ Bursary staff

☀ Registry staff

☀ Technical staff

☀ Software developers

☀ Students

Continuously seek feedback & use to improve the system!

☀ Overall performance

☀ What’s working?

☀ What’s not working?

☀ What’s missing?

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Anticipate & manage bottlenecks!

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Archaic policies Technology Skills/competence People

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“Thank you for making my life easier!”
