Ecommerce Website Design Manchester- Break the Sacred Rules to Get Success



The best example of this breaking of sacred rules is Amazon. Undoubtedly, this is the leading player of online shopping market. If you check its ecommerce web design, you will find seven different categories of products on the home page, which defies the golden rule of keeping your website’s home page clutter free.

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Ecommerce Website Design Manchester- Break the Sacred Rules to Get Success

While designing an ecommerce website, designers and developers generally stuck to certain rules, which set the benchmark. Recently, a break of these rules has been seen among big ecommerce brands to achieve greater success. You may encounter a number of successful e-commerce brands that do not follow the set benchmarks of designing system yet rule the market.

Clutter is the new Hero

The best example of this breaking of sacred rules is

Amazon. Undoubtedly, this is the leading player of online shopping market. If you check its ecommerce web design, you will find seven different categories of products on the home page, which defies the golden rule of keeping your website’s home page clutter free. Web designers generally believe in a clutter free ecommerce web design in Manchester and adhere to this sacred rule.

However, breaking the rules has become the newer trend of the industry to achieve greater success. What helps Amazon to break the rules without affecting the users’ experience is the big search bar dominating the home page design. Amazon plays on the habit of the shoppers, as most of them must have bought something once from this online store, so they are familiar with the design and can easily get out of any confusion or mess.

Homepage Sliding Banners- a big YES

Apart from this golden rule of keeping your ecommerce website clutter-free, another rule is to stay away from big sliding banners on your home page. Professionals of search engine optimization services Manchester would tell you to stick to this rule; however, you may notice successful ecommerce sites using big sliding banners on their homepage to grab the attention of their users. These banners contain crisp messages, call to action tag lines and attractive designs, which successfully grab the first glance of their users.

Breaking the set rules and setting newer trends is the new online craze!
