Disrupting Digital Experience #atcomnext


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History of making big bets

Our industry doesn’t respect tradition – it only respects innovationSatya NadellaCEO, Microsoft


History of making big bets

I believeover the next decade… intelligence will become ambient... made possible by an ever-growing network of connected devices, incredible computing capacity from the cloud, insights from big data, and intelligence from machine learning.Satya NadellaCEO, Microsoft

Reinventingproductivity & business processCreate more personal computing Build the intelligent cloud

“By 2017, the CMO will spend more on IT than the CIO and control most of the technology spending. “

Great marketing starts with the customerThe shift to buyer-driven everything


“The "power to the people" phenomenon is displacing brand-centric strategies in favor of buyer-driven everything.” – Gartner Inc., Dec 2013

The Marketer’s DilemmaStaying in step with the customer along the path to purchase


How do I drive more effective marketing campaigns and simplify the complexity of execution?Actionable insights Responsive teams

Digital innovation

Multi-channel campaigns

• Transform from big data to actionable data with marketing insights• Get a single, unified view of each customer • Anticipate what’s next with predictive analytics

One marketing vision: better insights, bigger impact, built for you


“[Marketers] must take responsibility for the consumer experience and drive consumer-centric measures.”

• Reach customers with a new breed of advertising • Connect across every channel

• Win customer hearts with immersive, social experiences• Inspire by connecting across both physical and digital worlds

MARKETING ANALYTICSBring your customer into focus

DIGITAL MARKETINGBe in the moments that matter

CUSTOMER EXPERIENCEInnovate along the journey

Create engaging digital experiences

Digital MarketingBe in the moments that matter

“Marketing is moving towards a point where all areas of marketing have a digital element and all of these different areas must be aligned and working as one.” - IDC, June 2014

Grow and reach a global audience

Deliver content and offers at the right time

Create engaging digital campaignsDrive excitement for a new product with unique digital experiences

“We chose Azure because we wanted to take advantage of all the PaaS services it has to offer.”— Mark Rodger, Head of Implementation, Hogarth

Objectives• Generate excitement, awareness and interest for new product launch• Allow fans to get a close look at the new product, both outside and inside too.

TacticsDyson’s Agency, Hogarth worked with Microsoft to build a new digital marketing micro-sites campaign platform on the Azure Websites service to speed time-to-market and lower costs.

Results• 2.5M users in 48 hours, only expected 150K on the first day.• Fast and responsive for users, even under massive use allowed designers to add more creative features to make experience even richer.

Deliver content and offers at the right timeDriving more sales with more personalized content

Azure Notification Hubs provided exactly the kind of flexible, cross-platform solution that we needed.”Ling KhorSenior Product Manager, 7digital

Objectives• Along with its music, 7digital wanted to deliver recommendations and editorials to its customers in their mobiles apps.

Tactics• 7digital used Azure Notification Hubs that allows it to push millions of notifications simultaneously or personalized ones to individual users

Results• Increased customer loyalty in highly competitive digital music market.• Very fast to market with support for the most popular mobile devices.• Efficiency in sending targeted messages to select customers or in sending millions all at once around the world.

Win customer hearts with immersive, mobile experiences

Build an emotional connection with rich media

Customer ExperienceInnovate along the journey

“In this age, the only source of competitive advantage is the one that can survive technology-fueled disruption: an obsession with customer experience.” – Harley Manning, Forrester VP

Customer Experiences Drive LoyaltyWin customers with immersive mobile experiences

“We couldn’t have done shared video over an app with fans halfway around the world if Microsoft hadn’t made it so easy for us”Shane Whelan, Digital Communications Manager, British & Irish Lions

Objectives• The Lions wanted to involve the millions of fans who could not journey with them on a tour halfway around the world.

Tactics• With Azure, the team created a mobile app for iOS, Android and Windows featuring compelling content, interactive competitions, near-real-time videos, and more.

Results• Non-professionals easily upload near-real-time video• Supports tens of thousands of simultaneous users• Reduces development time and cost, and hosting expense by 80 percent

Unlocking brand recognition with digital engagementAllow fans to experience content through innovative and immersive ways

“We're incredibly excited about this integrated partnership opportunity. We asked Microsoft to come up with a solution that challenged the previous conventions around what was possible with its display offering and we're confident this interactive campaign will excite and engage fans as they journey into the second film in the trilogy.”— Danni Murray, Director of Media and Marketing Partnerships, Warner Bros UK & Ireland

Objectives• Generate excitement, awareness and interest for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug• Allow fans to immerse themselves in the world of the Hobbit wherever they may be• .

TacticsTogether with Microsoft, PHD and Think Jam, Warner Bros UK launched a digital advertising campaign allowing fan to access exclusive movie content through multiple channels.

Results• Utilized multiple digital channels in order to engage their fans and generate interest and excitement around the film• First ever film campaign where creative was unified throughout all channels providing consistent, entertaining experience across platforms

Transform from big data to actionable data with insightsGet a single, unified view of each customer

Marketing AnalyticsBring your customer into focus

“…Nobody wants data. What they want are the answers.” – Professor David Hand of Imperial College London, March 2014

Anticipate what’s next with predictive analytics

Build data driven marketing for higher ROITurning customer data into targeted offers

“It gave marketing a new way to retain users and keep them interested by talking about new aspects of the game. …Basing an email campaign on Azure’s HDInsight Service was a big win for the marketing team”. -Mark Vayman, Lead Program Manager, Halo Services Team

Objectives• Understand player behavior to improve in-game experience, increase time in game.• Identify opportunities to build additional revenue.

Tactics• 343 Industries used Azure during the Halo 4 launch to track multiple game elements including: most used features and length of time in game.

Results• Improved in-game player experience • Targeted follow-up emails based upon actual customer game preferences and game play.• Longer time in-game, higher customer retention, additional revenue opportunities.

Anticipate what’s next with predictive analyticsUsing Machine Learning to delight customers

“Although the Pier 1 Imports brand is the same as it has been for more than 50 years, we are continually getting better at identifying what our customer wants, using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and resulting data insights”. -Sharon Leite, EVP Sales and Customer Experience, Pier 1 Imports

Objectives• Understand their customers better.• Send smarter, more targeted offers to customers.• Uncover potential unknown customer patterns and behaviors.

Tactics• Pier 1 partnered with MAX451 to delight loyalty customers by using historical and behavioral data to predict what products they want next.

Results• Ease of use by business users• Fast time to meaningful results• Accessible via the cloud• Predicting what their customer wants, before they want it.

The opportunity of change