DI Presentation




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Seeing Every Student


Zac Chase

Zac Chase is -

• Learner• Journalist• Marathoner• NeXt Gen Teacher• Freedom Writer

Teacher• NCTE Member• NSDC Member

• CYD Leadership Council Member

• NLB Son• Kagan Trainer• Teacher at Phoenix


Today we will be examining social, academic, and PD practices that I have used (stolen) to build community in my classroom.


*having to do with personal interaction

WhyIt’s Important:

T.R. Nansel et al., “Bullying Behaviors among U.S. Youth: Prevalence and Association with Psychosocial Adjustment,” Journal of the American Medical Association 285, no.16 (2001): 2094-2100.

“Almost 30 percent of teens in the United States (or over 5.7 million) are estimatedto be involved in bullying as either a bully, a target of bullying, or both.”

WhyIt’s Important:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Surveillance Summaries,” MMWR 53, no. Ss-2 (2004).

“5.4% of high school students (about 864,000 teens) report staying home at least one day a month because they fear for their safety.”

What are we celebrating today?• Good News

• Compliments

• Clean Jokes

Essential 6:

If you are asked a question in conversation, you should ask a question in return. If someone asks, “Did you have a nice weekend?” you should answer the question and then ask a question in return.

* Ron Clark, The Essential 55

What did we just do?

• Greeting

• Good News

• Essential 55


@ door Physical Name Question affirming


Good News:

5-7 minutesGood newsClean jokesComplimentsAlternate w/ Ess.Model, model,

model, model

How do you teach compliments?

• like this

• or this

Good News:

5-7 minutesGood newsClean jokesComplimentsModel, model,

model, model

Rally Table • Turn to your shoulder partner and share one high-grade compliment about yourself. (I know it’s uncomfortable, but embrace it.)

Essential 55:Alternate with

good newsPost in roomStudents

write/readDiscussModel/Role play

What questions do you have about the social aspect of Seeing Every Student?


*having to do with scholarship

Who is responsible for the learning in your classroom?

A. The teacher

B. The students

C. The district

D. The state

E. The U.S. DOE

F. The parents

*adapted from Alan November

Who should be responsible for learning in your classroom?

A. The teacher

B. The students

C. The district

D. The state

E. The U.S. DOE

F. The parents

*adapted from Alan November

Why is it important to change who owns the learning?

On your notes:

2- ways you can use the information to inform your practice

Created by Karl Fisch (http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/2006/08/did-you-know.html )

On your notes:

2 ways you can use the information to inform your practice

Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up

• Share one of the two ways you can use the information to inform your educational practice.

New Learners Must Be…Self-learners who are able to navigate the 10 or 15 or however many job changes people are predicting for them by the time they are 30

Self-selectors who must find and evaluate and finally choose their own teachers and collaborators as they build their own networks of learners

Self-editors who can look at a piece of information and assess it on a variety of levels, not simply believe it because someone else does

Self-organizers who can manage the slew of information coming at them by developing their own structures and strategies for making sense of it all

*Will Richardson (http://weblogg-ed.com/2007/its-the-empowerment-stupid/)

New Learners Must Be…

*Will Richardson (http://weblogg-ed.com/2007/its-the-empowerment-stupid/)

Self-reflectors who are not solely dependent onexternal evaluation to drive their decision making and their evolution as learners and people

Self-publishers who understand the power and importance of sharing and connecting information and knowledge and can do it effectively and ethically

Self-protectors who understand where the online dangers lie, can recognize them, and can act appropriately to stay away from harm

Of Course…

...all of this requires a certain willingness to relinquish control, not just of the things we know but of the things we don’t know.

*Will Richardson (http://weblogg-ed.com/2007/its-the-empowerment-stupid/)

Some analog choices…

• Monster

• The Pigman

• Students Teaching

Whatabout your classroom?

SU-HU-PU:Where do you offer your students choices in your classroom?Where could you give more choices?

Some digital choices…

• class blog

• class podcast

• math blog

• wiki project

• online movie

Wait a minute!

Shouldn’t we be terrified of the Internet?

“Our research, actually looking at what puts kids at risk for receiving the most serious kinds of sexual solicitation online, suggests that it’s not giving out personal information that puts kid at risk. It’s not having a blog or a personal website that does that either.

What puts kids in danger is being willing to talk about sex online with strangers or having a pattern of multiple risky activities on the web like going to sex sites and chat rooms, meeting lots of people there, kind of behaving in what we call like an internet daredevil.”

- Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee


What questions do you have about the academic aspect of Seeing Every Student?

Professional Development*

*A personally initiated obligation and right to build discipline expertise, to enhance personal growth, to improve teaching abilities and to contribute to organizational development.

“How can we possibly help our students be co-contributors and researchers if we ourselves don’t engage as learners and experience what it means to construct knowledge?”

- Konrad Glogowski


Who owns your learning?

What was the last thing you learned that can help you be a better teacher?

Round Robin

Two years ago, I stopped waiting for PD.I started creating it.

“We, as teachers, need to be so enthralled with the magnificent possibilities of our occupation that we actually enjoy spending time honing our craft, multiplying our skills. Imagine if every teacher eliminated, for example, 2 hours of television watching each week and devoted it to reading professional materials, poring over the web, or collaborating with colleagues.”

- Randy Rodgers


I hate -

“Will you show me how to do this?”

I love -"I will show myself how to do this."

What do I do?

I blogI readI read blogs

What’s RSS?

Blogs I read…

• Will Richardson: http://weblogg-ed.com

• David Warlick: http://davidwarlick.com/2cents/

• Miguel Guhlin: http://www.edsupport.cc/mguhlin/

• Jeff Utecht: http://www.thethinkingstick.com/

What questions do you have about the PD aspect of Seeing Every Student?


