Development of my magazine and comparison with my preliminary task - What I have learnt from the...


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• I imported the image onto my front after editing it on Photoshop (All my production was completed using this software).

• I wanted my style model to be clearly therefore I followed the same structure and created a similar title.•A simple black background was used, to fill in the edges, however, I planned for text to be placed there to make it look more professional

• The ‘free poster’ allows the audience to feel like they have a sense of ownership to the magazine, as they are getting something inside the magazine which is exclusive.

• The three fonts used as bold, eye catching and appeal to both genders as one font is more feminine as it has flicks on the end of the letters and the other font appeals to men as it is bold and sharply cut.

• A conventional magazine feature is the barcode as it shows that it is a professional product, also the price and date has been listed to tell the audience when it was issued and how much it is to buy .

• More text was added to show the audience some stories that may feature inside the magazine which will persuade them to buy it.

• Small text is also added in the bottom right corner, to tempt the reader into wanting to find out more about it.

• The structure remains organised and professional, as the text is evenly spaced out and nothing is crowding the main image too much, making it the central feature of the front cover.

• Finally I added some red font to my cover as this added a vibrant appeal to it, which would attract my primary and secondary target audience. Also this fits in this my main colour scheme of black, white and red.

• Also I have add red, short lines to divide up the text to make it easier for the viewer to read as it is more organised and looks professional.

• I have used three images that were edited using Photoshop to make them look more professional and fit in with my colour scheme (black and white image)

•The column news of what is featured in the magazine is clear and easy to read which will help the reader locate the story they are looking for.

•The title of is bold and eye catching with the added detail of the issue number of the product which shows a professional quality to the magazine as does repeating the title in the top left corner.

•By adding a red banner to the subheading ‘TOP NEWS:’ shows that it contains important details about the contents of the magazine as it is listed below.

• I added brief summaries to each storyline as this gives the reader an indication as to what the story will mainly be about.

• I have place a think red link between each story so each one is individual and it is made clear to the reader which brief description belongs to each story.

• Finally I added page numbers to each of the photographs as this will allow the reader to locate a story that matches the picture, instead of searching through the magazine with no indication.

•I have added social networking site logos and a popular music website logo, as these are popular websites used by my target audience, therefore they will be able to search the artists and magazine on these sites which will increase my audience market.

•The artist’s name is the main headline of this article as it shows the reader exactly who the article is about.

•The text in the right top corner, gives the audience some short facts and details about the artist as it may persuade them into reading the rest of the article based on them.

•Again a sense of professionalism is carried through to the article spread as the title of the magazine is present and a page number is clearly in the bottom corner stated.

The structure of my article is plain and organised, with a main image featuring on one side of the article.

• I have used columns to structure my text, which is a typical convention of an article.

• The colour scheme has remained the same throughout the article through the image, font and background colours.

•The text is sectioned by titles or questions to show the audience what the artist is referring to, otherwise her answers would not make any sense to the reader.

• I have added a drop-down letter behind the main article text, as this is a typical convention of an article, as it indicates the first letter of the artist’s answers. •This is used as a eye catching effect to catch the readers attention.

•I have added a red banner above a quote from the artist to make it appealing to the audience, because after reading this they will want to find out the full story behind the quotation leading them into reader the full article.

• Three main colours used throughout making it seem professional.

•Great quality image used as the lighting compliments the models skin tone in contrast with the light on the object she is leaning against.

•However further editing could have been done, such as more accurate cut outs and emphasising the colours of the model using the contrast and brightness tool.

•The fonts are clear, bold and eye catching.

•On the other hand, there is not enough variation within the fonts as they all look similar.

• Colour scheme has been consistent throughout both pages.

• Images are colourful making them attractive•However, the lower image, was taking on with a bright natural light background, making the male models white shirt blend in with the outside light, perhaps making it a bad image to have used.

•The column structure looks professional as it is a typical feature of a contents page.•However, more stories could have been added and a brief description to each headline would have been useful to the reader.

I have taken all the positive and negative points from my preliminary project and transferred the good aspects into my final magazine such as a consistent colour scheme, clear images and bold fonts.

However, I changed the negative aspects from my school magazine and made sure these were improved in my final music magazine such as developing the fonts and adding more text.