Day3 Quartus II Tutorial


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Quartus II IntroductionQuartus II Introduction

➢ Create a Project➢ Compile your Design➢ Down Load your Design

Create a ProjectCreate a Project● Create working director for Qurtus● Copy your logic_block.v to the directory● Create a project using the New Project

Wizard● Name the project● Add design files● Pick a device

Start Quartus II 6.1 WebEditionStart Quartus II 6.1 WebEdition

File > New Project WizardFile > New Project Wizard

Project Project working directory for this project

Name of this Project

Top level design Entity

Add fileAdd file

Select logic_block.v> Add> Next

Select DeviceSelect Device

Select MAX II as the Family. set Package to TQFP, Pin count to 144Speed grade to 5.

Select the EPM1270T144C5

Click Next.

EDA SettingEDA Setting

Project SummaryProject Summary

The summary screen



Open Your Design FileOpen Your Design FileProject Navigator



Double click

Pin Assign: Assignments > PinsPin Assign: Assignments > Pins

Enter 22, 21, 16, 1

Unused Pins: Unused Pins: Assignment > Device > Assignment > Device > Device & Pins Options > Unused Pins > Device & Pins Options > Unused Pins >

All input tri-statedAll input tri-stated

Compile: Compile: Processing > Start CompiliationProcessing > Start Compiliation

Assignments > PinsAssignments > Pins

Programmer SetupProgrammer Setup

• Tools > programmer, (Add File > logic_block.pof• Hardware Setup > Add Hardware > ByteBlaster(LPT1)

Programm and VerifyProgramm and Verify> Start

