Creating effective ammunition in the battle for attention


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I'm Steve Lloyd co founder of icoEx

I’m here to talk partly about attention.


Which I know I only have a part share of.

Hunger is a hell of a distraction so thanks

for noticing.

What did you notice?


Message and medium are both important, but never

underestimate the power of persuasion.

So, getting noticed is becoming increasingly difficult.

“Life changes more rapidly than ever. It is up to us as designers to use the methods we think are truest,

most up to date.”

Bruno Munari 1966

It’s hard to get people to notice, so sometimes going large helps.


How do you attract attention on the high street?

Maybe just being noticed isn’t enough.

In order to create a desired action, we need people to pay attention.

An approach to attention

Combining the familiar in a way that’s unexpected.

That’s it, thanks for your time, enjoy your lunch.

Combining the familiar in a way that’s unexpected

AND creates something new.

When it works it’s a powerful combination.

Something that locks into our register of known, but in a

new way that creates friction and interest in the viewer.

Mark Twain

“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas

and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they

make new and curious combinations.”

New ideas ARE curious combinations.

Oil paintings + movement !

Rob & Nick Carter

Fame + anonymity !

Daft Punk

Mileometer + competition !


and an example from us



How do you draw attention to important parts of a meeting in

an advertising agency?

A table + A brainstorm

A table + Democracy

A table + A clock

To move from attention to action means addressing

people’s motivations.

An approach to behaviour

Exploring the behavioural nudge


Knowledge is power

Can a Post-it persuade? !

Our survey says... !

Priming !

Behavioural motivation can be used for good or ill.




How do you get 16-25 years olds to fill out a survey?

How could we use behavioural knowledge to take this further?

We wanted users to feel important, listened to and empowered.

Imagine you’re a teenager growing up in Britain. How do you get those in

power to listen to your opinion?

Survey response rate exceeded expectations and thousands of

teenagers took part.

Is our behaviour affected by digital media?

An approach to digital media

How is digital media changing our behaviour?

Maybe it affects those that use it the most; my own curiosity means that I have a

reasonable range of digital distractions.

I suspect I’m not alone and statistically we are all becoming more connected,

more reliant on digital.

Now that we are all used to having that amazing computational power in our

pockets, do we become blasé to its potential?

I’m less blasé because I’m old, so what about you young folk?

I have guinea pigs at home that I experiment on.

Seeing the world through their eyes is a useful way to view digital.

They have been surrounded by technology their whole lives.

A school project on the Ancient Greeks

gets more interesting with an element of digital.

Even a mothers day present has digital potential.

All this led to the creation of the geekiest object in the world.

Starting with WebGL browser based software.

Louie used it to build a creeper.

He shared his creation in an online marketplace.

Then sent it to be 3D printed.


It’s a case for an asthma inhaler.

Does this make it the geekiest object ever?

The geekiest object in the


One of the things I noticed was the satisfaction of physically

holding a digital creation.

Also the continued attention that 3D printing still gets.


Turning digital into physical

This has been a possibility for over 30 years, it’s only now that

the tools are here.



How do you help get a Christmas card noticed?

At a time of maximum corporate communications there’s also an

onslaught of online chatter.

We made a connection between this ephemeral communication and the temporal nature of that

festive cliche, the snowflake.

13:44:46 @shima0810 xxxxxxxxx #xmas

18:17:49 @SwagIs Serious What the fuck is in the bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#xmas #surprise

There are now even more ways to connect digital to the physical.

This is the most exciting time ever to be involved in communication,

we can use these new technologies and connections to create even more

attention grabbing stuff.

In order to capture attention and affect behaviour we just need to explore and combine two things.

Technology and Imagination

Thanks for your attention. digital experiences

