CommunityWorks - thoughts on people collaboration


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CommunityWorksThoughts on People Collaboration

Duodraco (a.k.a Anderson Casimiro)

Let's talk about...

What's a Community (and what isn't)

Why Joining (and why don't)

What can you do on a community(What you can't)

Some pretty good communities to check

Extending Community

Some storytelling...

Individuals with same goals

It started long time ago...

There's so much kinds of…

Technology Communities...

What a community NOT is

Something for individual goals

Something to separate...

Why I should join?

When you want help us...

When you want to learn...

When you want make the difference

Why not joining?

When money is a thing...

Just to promote yourself...

How can I contribute?

Improving it

Coding, testing, coding, testing :D

Content, Documentation, Translation...

Creating some cool new stuff

Spreading the word

Being part,Hands on working


Conflicts… Flames… Trolls… Haters…

Harassment (really? we're in 2016!!!)

Blood has the same color for everyone

Be part of a community like…


Laravel Brasil

You extends Community {

@ company

with friends

@ family

Here's the challenge:

Make Community an

essential part of You!

