Central PA K-16 Librarians Workshop 041609



Presentation about Blogs and Wikis and ways libraries can use them to communicate with different constituent groups.

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Central PA K-16 Librarians Information Literacy Network April 16, 2009

In 2004, O’Reilly media coined the phrase Web 2.0.1

O’Reilly, Tim. “What is Web 2.0?” http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html

Web 2.0 is:

A. A marketing buzz wordB. Things like blogs, wikis,

facebookC. An attitudeD. Both A & BE. All of the above

Answer: All of the above• Web 2.0 = principles and practices that allow

users to have control over their online content

• Online environments that allow users to collaborate and participate

• It has also been called a marketing buzzword (business 2.0, learning 2.0, brain 2.0...)

Examples of Web 2.0 technologies in use are:

• Wikis• Blogs • Flickr, Picasa• Facebook, MySpace, social networking• Tagging, rating, del.icio.us, Digg• RSS feeds• Second Life

Web 2.0 is also becoming an attitude

Having the mind set of providing:

• Users with ways to communicate & share

• More online functionality to organize info

Web 1.0 was:• Top down/authoritative• Static • One user• A destination• Consumers aren’t


• Flattened/participatory• Dynamic &

customizable• Many users• A person or community• Consumers can also


Web 2.0 is:

web 1.0 | web 2.0personal webpage blogs, facebook

Catalog searches using keywords

Tagging, Penn Tags

Encyclopedia Britannica Online, Encarta


Database email alerts RSS feeds from databases

Online subject guides Blogs, squidoo, wikis, libguides

Bookmarking del.icio.us

Blogs—overview• Not just for personal reflections & deep

thoughts any more

• Blog = web + log = mixed media presented online in reverse chronological order

• Let’s watch: Common Craft’s Blogs in Plain English video

Quick Stats on Blogs• In 2007, 28% of teens have created an online journal

or blog, up from 19% in 2004 2

• Blog readership jumped 58% in 20043

• Demographics of bloggers from Technorati:

2 Pew Internet & American Life Project. “Teens and Social Media.” December 2007. http://www.pewinternet.org/PPF/r/230/report_display.asp

3. Ibid.

How many blogs are out there4?

A. 32 millionB. 70millionC. 95 millionD. 112 million

4. Technorati blog: http://technorati.com/weblog/2007/04/328.html

Ways for libraries to use blogs

1. Communicate with your community, patrons, students

2. Facilitate communication among library staff or teachers

3. Stay in touch with & get ideas from other librarians

1. Communicate with community• Use as a way to market new events, displays, etc.• Enabling comments allows for a conversation• Examples– Ann Arbor District Library– Topeka & Shawnee Co. Library– Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg Co.– Schlow Library– Olathe East High School– Blue Duke Reads (NH middle school)– Osburne High School

2. Facilitate communication between other staff, teachers

• Use a blog internally to keep communication flowing between staff, branches, teachers

• May work better if it revolves around a project/event/class (e.g. curriculum planning)

• Cuts down on email• Archived and searchable• Examples:

1. Blogging Libraries Wiki

3. Stay in touch with & get ideas from other librarians

• Blogs provide a plethora of ideas for programming, events, displays, etc.

• Keep abreast of professional developments• Examples:– Librarian.net– YALSA blog– School Library Journal

Getting Started—Reading Blogs

• Find a few you like: try professional organizations (ALA) or technorati.com

• Sign up for an RSS aggregator (Google Reader, Bloglines)

• Note and subscribe to the blogs that are linked in the blogs you started with

Getting Started—Creating A Blog

• Keep posts short & sweet• Blog your opinions (but be respectful)• Link to other blogs/sites/images• Use punchy titles• Keep it updated (invite others to contribute)• Have fun!

Getting Started—Creating A Blog

Blog services:• blogger.com (google)• wordpress.com• typepad.com

The word wiki means:

A. quickB. sharedC. encyclopediaD. kiwi

Wikis—overview•Hawaiian word that means “quick”

•Web sites that allow users to easily add and edit content

•Built by users = good & bad

•Let’s watch: Common Craft’s Wikis in Plain English video

Quick Stats on Wikis

• Wikis were first created in 1994.

• Wikipedia is the largest & best known wiki to date (more than 8 mill. users & 14 mill. pages)

• The top 3 edited entries on Wikipedia last week were: L’Aquila Earthquake, Fast & Furious, Fishsticks. 5

5. Wikirage: Most edited articles, week: http://www.wikirage.com/top-edits/168/

What percentage of Wikipedia entries are in English?

A. 15%B. 25%C. 40%D. 65%E. 90%

“Evolution” entry in Wikipedia, 2001-06

Kruglinski, Susan. “Map: Evolution Evolving” Discover. July 2, 2006

Ways for libraries to use wikis1. Work through assignments/curriculum with

teachers2. Have students or patrons build a wiki3. Organize an event (like in the video)4. Highlight your collections

• SCASD• Conemaugh Area

5. Create guides and resource pages6. Ideas, tools, & best practices for librarians

• Teacherlibrarian wiki

Wikis—Getting Started

Wiki platforms you might try:• wetpaint.com• wikispaces.com• pbwiki.com

Final thoughts• These tools must add value

• Start small

• Our online spaces can inspire learning & collaboration just like our physical ones

• Digital natives don’t have to be library immigrants

• Be bold and brave!

Presentation Resources

• Presentation will be posted to K-16 web site

• Feel free to contact me:– Emily Rimland: erimland@psu.edu