C* Summit 2013: Taking Bytes from Cassandra Clients by Lewis McGibbney and Renato Javier



Since early 2012 Gora has been proudly participating as an honorary Incubator post-grad within the ASF. This presentation provides Renato and Lewis' perspective on a phenomenon they refer to as the "big datastore client wars", which is a real life challenge they've discovered whilst attempting to integrate several big data backends (Accumulo, Cassandra, HBase, MySQL, HSQLDB, Amazon's DynamoDB, MongoDB) under one common persistence layer and, in the process, obtain optimal results over Gora operations. They emphasize their approach to addressing this problem by discussing a pluggable Cassandra client infrastructure (Hector-client, Datastax java driver, intravert-ug, etc) adapted specifically for the gora-cassandra module.

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