Beyond counting sheep



In this lightning talk at SheepCamp ("Working with Big and User Generated Geographic Data"), I outline what might be a research agenda moving forward in the study of the geoweb, VGI, and/or neogeography.

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Beyond counting sheep

Matthew W. Wilson, PhDAssistant Professor of GeographyNew Mappings CollaboratoryUniversity of

15 June 2012Working with Big and User Generated Geographic Data

“SheepCamp”, University of Kentucky


Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 2

Dear Sheep,

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 3

Dear Sheep,What kind of sheep are you?

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 4

Dear Sheep,What kind of sheep are you?

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 5

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 6

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 7

Yeah,he just went there.

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 8

wool breeds < > mutton breeds

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 9

wool breeds < > mutton breeds

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 10

legs: how are they placed? how do they stand?

wool breeds < > mutton breeds

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 11

legs: how are they placed? how do they stand?

neck: medium length? fit in the shoulders?

wool breeds < > mutton breeds

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 12

legs: how are they placed? how do they stand?

neck: medium length? fit in the shoulders?

brisket: wide?

wool breeds < > mutton breeds

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 13

legs: how are they placed? how do they stand?

neck: medium length? fit in the shoulders?

brisket: wide?

underline: straight? well-developed flanks?

wool breeds < > mutton breeds

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 14

legs: how are they placed? how do they stand?

neck: medium length? fit in the shoulders?

brisket: wide?

underline: straight? well-developed flanks?

wool: coarse? any black fibers? well-covered?

wool breeds < > mutton breeds

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 15

legs: how are they placed? how do they stand?

neck: medium length? fit in the shoulders?

brisket: wide?

underline: straight? well-developed flanks?

wool: coarse? any black fibers? well-covered?Oh, hi.

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 16

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 17

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 18

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 19

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 20

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 21


Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 22

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 23

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 24

Oh hey, Dolly.Oh hey, Dolly.

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 25

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 26

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 27

Everyday we’re shufflin’.Everyday we’re shufflin’.

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 28

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 29

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 30


Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 31

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 32

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 33


interrogation of a specific geoweb event:hazards/crises, celebrity, news

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 34

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 35

characteristics of the geoweb:subjects, machines, behaviors

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 36

geoweb landscapes:patterns, silences, movement

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 37

situating the geoweb

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 38


Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 39

Chrisman, N.R., 1987. Design of geographic information systems based on social and cultural goals. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 53 (10), 1367-1370.


Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 40

Sheppard, E., 1993. Automated Geography: What Kind of Geography for What Kind of Society? The Professional Geographer 45 (4), 457-460.


Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 41

Sheppard, E., 2005. Knowledge Production through Critical GIS: Genealogy and Prospects. Cartographica 40 (4), 5-21.


Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 42

Sheppard, E., 2005. Knowledge Production through Critical GIS: Genealogy and Prospects. Cartographica 40 (4), 5-21.


Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 43

geographies of ‘volunteered’

geographic information

Conditions of emergence

Continued development


Re-production / mashup

Limits to re-production

Use / interpretation

Limits to use

Challenges to disciplinary thinking

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 44

geographies of ‘volunteered’

geographic information

Conditions of emergence

Continued development


Re-production / mashup

Limits to re-production

Use / interpretation

Limits to use

Challenges to disciplinary thinking

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 45

geographies of ‘volunteered’

geographic information

Conditions of emergence

Continued development


Re-production / mashup

Limits to re-production

Use / interpretation

Limits to use

Challenges to disciplinary thinking

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 46

geographies of ‘volunteered’

geographic information

Conditions of emergence

Continued development


Re-production / mashup

Limits to re-production

Use / interpretation

Limits to use

Challenges to disciplinary thinking

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 47

geographies of ‘volunteered’

geographic information

Conditions of emergence

Continued development


Re-production / mashup

Limits to re-production

Use / interpretation

Limits to use

Challenges to disciplinary thinking

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 48

geographies of ‘volunteered’

geographic information

Conditions of emergence

Continued development


Re-production / mashup

Limits to re-production

Use / interpretation

Limits to use

Challenges to disciplinary thinking

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 49

geographies of ‘volunteered’

geographic information

Conditions of emergence

Continued development


Re-production / mashup

Limits to re-production

Use / interpretation

Limits to use

Challenges to disciplinary thinking

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 50

geographies of ‘volunteered’

geographic information

Conditions of emergence

Continued development


Re-production / mashup

Limits to re-production

Use / interpretation

Limits to use

Challenges to disciplinary thinking

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 51

geographies of ‘volunteered’

geographic information

Conditions of emergence

Continued development


Re-production / mashup

Limits to re-production

Use / interpretation

Limits to use

Challenges to disciplinary thinking

beyond counting sheep:- examine the conditions of development?

- affective geoweb?

- user-generated counter-content?

Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 52

This guy.This guy.


Matthew W. Wilson, PhD 53
