Basics Of 3 Dimensional Design




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Basics of 3-Dimensional Design:Part 1, An Introduction

Design II ART1203c

Instructor: Mark Creegan

Definitions: Comparisons to 2d works

Ways 2d and 3d are similar: Ways 2d and 3d contrast:

Similar design elements (line, color, etc) are organized to communicate ideas, express emotions, and create functional objects.

Concepts of unity, variety, tension, positive-negative, dynamism

Concept development, critical thinking, design as process

2d considers height & width on flat surface, 3d considers h + w + depth

Basic elements in 3d include light, volume, mass, and time (as well as others familiar to 2d)

Experiencing 3d in 2d work is a mental process, the effect of convincing pictorial illusion

In pictorial space, the relationships between the elements are confined within the pictorial space alone, with spatial work , forms have relationship to the space and forms around it

The total visual experience is singular and usually stable in 2d; in 3d it is fluid and dynamic; viscerally as well as visually

The creation of 3d work usually involve more material manipulation, tool handling, and pre-planning

The elements and principles of 3D design:The elements: Line Plane Volume Mass Space Texture Light Color Time

The organizing principles: Containment Proximity Continuity Closure Repetition Variation Rhythm Balance Scale Proportion Emphasis Economy Unity with Variety

The elements: LINE (linear forms)Gateway Arch, St. Louis by Eero Saarinen, 1966

Shibboleth by Doris Salcedo, Tate Modern 2007

Alexander Calder, Elephant, 1928

Alberto Giacommeti, Man Striding

Tom Friedman, Pencil

Gordon Matta-Clark, Cut House

The elements: PLANE (planar forms)

La Grande Vitesse Calder, 1969

Charles Ginnever, Rashomon, 1998

Giacomo Balla

Aaron Curry

The elements: VOLUME (volumed form)

Richard Serra, Torqued Ellipses

Martin Puryear

monika sosnowska

The elements: MASS (massive form)

Aztec head Claire Healy & Sean Cordeiro

Rachel Whiteread, House Janine Antoni

The elements: SPACE (spatial, environmental)

Yayoi Kusama

David HammonsThomas Lendvai

Martin Creed

The elements: SPACE (positive/negative)

Mike Womack

The elements: TEXTURE (textural)

Jennifer Maestre

Jeff Koons

Rebecca Warren

The elements: LIGHT

Marc Quinn

Felix Gonzalez-Torres

James Turrell

The elements: COLOR

Jeff Koons

Jessica Stockholder

Jen Stark

Dale Chihuly

The elements: TIME

Parris Patton, Because I cant Be Beethoven, 2006

3d design principles

Gestalt is a process in

which visual information is

understood as a whole

before it is examined

separately. It can also be

stated as a configuration of

elements so unified as a

whole that its properties

cannot be derived from a

simple summation of its


Containment- a unifying

force created by edge or

boundary of composition,

encourages visual

connection of objects within

boundary, also can include

objects within a room

Proximity- unifying force

due to spatial closeness of


3d design principles

Continuity- a fluid connection between compositional parts

Closure- describes the mind’s inclination to connect fragments to mentally complete a form

Defining “Form” As a physical manifestation of an

idea (content)* In 3d, form can also refer to the 3

dimensionality itself (ex. The sphere, cube, and pyramid are “forms”)

* Content- intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and symbolic implications

Types of forms: Volume=empty Mass=solid Positive forms=area of

substance (negative space) Organic=visually suggests nature

or natural forces Geometric=based on cubes,

spheres, or other simple volumes Static= appear static, unmoving

(ex. Great pyramids) Dynamic= imply movement Kinetic= actually moves Representational Abstract Non-objective Linear , planar Discrete object or Field Vertical, horizontal

3d design principles

Scale- commonly refers to the size of the form relative to human size.

Ron Mueck

Degrees of Dimensionality Relief Three-quarters Freestanding Environmental

Materiality and Experientiality Physical Psychological/ Conceptual Contextual Performative and Interactive

Methods of Construction Additive (modeling, casting, assemblage, armature,


Subtractive (carving, cutting)

Modular Designating

Marcel Duchamp “Fountain”, 1917

Duchamp,”In Advance of a Broken Arm”


The Creative Process Thinking Looking Doing repeat

Interpretation of 3D Works Begin with descriptive: 1. What is it?

2. What is/are the material/s?

3. What type of form?

4. What formal elements are used?

5. What organizing principles are used?

6. What degree of dimensionality?

7. What is the method of construction?

8. Where is it?

9. What type/s of experience?

10.How does it interact with the space?

11.How do you interact with it?

12. How does negative space operate?

13.Where does sculpture end and space around it begin?

14. How is it displayed (pedestal, hanging, floating, propped, lying on floor, etc) ?

15.How is gravity dealt with?

16. Does gravity seem to work with piece or is the piece seemingly defying gravity?

Interpretation of 3D Works After considering the descriptive or denotative (what it is)

aspects, then consider the connotative (what it means) “Peel back the layers” of meaning All the descriptive or formal considerations contribute to a

work’s meaning (esp. material, context, form) What associations can be made? (what does it remind you

of?) If none, then it is self-referential, the form or material is the content. Some associations are unintended by the maker.

Is an element “foregrounded”? Does it stick out? (ex. a color, a texture, a material)

Who made it? When? Where? Why? What is the title?

Meaning is fluid and transitory!

Material and Meaning

Damien Hirst

Robert Lazzarini

Material and Meaning

Marc Quinn

Context and Meaning

Context and Meaning

Jan Vormann “Dispatchwork (Tel Aviv)”