B2b2dot0 sap-magento-configurable-products



b2b2dot0 has integrated SAP and Magento in real-time to allow for configurable products in an ecommerce site.

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Enabling Configurable Products

Look inside to get a deeper understanding of how b2b2dot0 enabled configurable products!

Customers select from different fabric colors, arm styles, cylinders and caster options.

Ergnomic Chair with Configurable Options

Online customers see a product as one line item, even though each option is a separate SKU in SAP.

Customer View of Shopping Cart

From the customer’s perspective, post-order management tracks and ships as one item as well.

Order Confirmation

SKUs from SAP map to product options within the Magento admin interface.

SKU Mapping

Admins can group together options like fabric choice, control the display order of groups through the Magento control panel.

Admin View of Option Groups

Customers see options displayed in logical groupings

Customer View of Option Groups

Marketing staff members have access to meta information (for SEO) and other promotional tools through the Magento interface.

Marketing Features

From the customer’s perspective, configured products track and ship as one item. In SAP they remain separate SKUs.

Tracking and Shipping

b2b2dot0 customers see the calculated, contract negotiated price of a configured product as one item.

