Avoiding Runaway Trains


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Avoiding Runaway Trains

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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Agile In Theory

avoiding runaway trains tweet @skotcarruth

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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via http://eontek.co/services/software-development/web-application-development

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Agile Process

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“Agile doesn’t have a brain.” Bill Scott

avoiding runaway trains

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via http://www.jeffgothelf.com/blog/agile-doesnt-have-a-brain

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Agile Process

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? ?

Agile Process

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Design Thinking In Theory

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adapted from Stanford dschool

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Design Thinking

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Big-ass Design Spec

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Deploy & ??

Waterfall Process

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How do we reconcile the two?

avoiding runaway trains

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Enter Lean UX

avoiding runaway trains tweet @skotcarruth

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• Cross-functional teams with shared understanding

• Minimize “deliverables”

• Discovery is continuous

• Make stuff and see how people respond

avoiding runaway trains

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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UX is a Team Sport

avoiding runaway trains tweet @skotcarruth

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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prepared for pivotal product mashup

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tweet @skotcarruthavoiding runaway trains

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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tweet @skotcarruthavoiding runaway trains

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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avoiding runaway trains tweet @skotcarruth

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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Circa 2011

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Circa November 2014

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Design Spikes

avoiding runaway trains tweet @skotcarruth

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Design Studio

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Design Studio

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Small Design Up-Front

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Story Mapping

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Design “Sprint”

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Desired UX

HTML Prototype

User Test Report

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Experiment With Small Bets

avoiding runaway trains tweet @skotcarruth

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You don’t have to build software! (Even the engineers)

avoiding runaway trains

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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Things that might make more sense:

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• Plan some user research / customer development

• Try your best marketing landing page

• Create a clever growth hack

• Build a prototype

• Plan to offer the service manually

avoiding runaway trains

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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tweet @skotcarruthavoiding runaway trains

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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tweet @skotcarruthavoiding runaway trains

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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tweet @skotcarruthavoiding runaway trains

prepared for pivotal product mashup

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