Analysis of Front covers, contents pages and double page spreads




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Uses Freebies to draw you in.

The image shows a girl dominating and as she is at the front and can be seen more. Also the image overlaps the title which shows that the magazine is well know as by looking at it you can easily recognise it from others and because you may know this magazine your past knowledge can tell you what the magazine title is saying. It is easily recognised as NME use the same colours red black and white, because it is easier to read the text. They also use the same font style for the title each issue.

The barcode Is essential so need to be on the page, its positioned out the way.The baseline shows

more exciting and interesting stuff that will be inside.

The middle title ‘The gossip’ is the biggest font size and most noticeable piece of text, this is because it is the main feature and USP of this issue. This piece of text seems to anchor the image suggesting that the image is of ‘The Gossip’.Also the bit of text under the middle title tells you what you’ll find out about ‘the gossip’ it is short but is easy enough to elaborate on yourself.

The contents indicators, show more things you are likely to buy the magazine for, for example some could purchased the magazine because there is a section about ‘Muse’ a famous band.

Front covers

The barcode Is essential so need to be on the page, its positioned out the way.

The title ‘KERRANG!’ is smashed which suggests harsh. Also, the title contains onomatopoeia the word ‘KERRANG!’ is loud, metal noise and guitar.This is unique as know other magazine has a title smashed.As well, it uses a ‘!’ which suggests shock and surprise.

The magazine is well know and popular, it is recognised as in most issues it uses the same front font for the title and sticks to the colour scheme red, white and black.

The image of Biffy Clyro shows power and aggression by the way they are standing and how the shadow is casted on them. Also they're eye level is all directed at the camera which addresses you personally.

The size of the font for the words ‘Biffy clyro’ and the fact they are going form edge to edge suggested that the image is of Biffy Clyro and they are the main feature (unique selling point) of this magazine.

The sub title of the image is ‘Unfold the puzzle of life..’ which is a play on words as this would be more under stand able for fans, as it is the name one of their albums. The ellipse ‘...’ makes us think they will be more inside.

Freebies encourages the audiences to buy them. Word ‘FREE’ is in capitals to make it noticeable.

The base line is busy, full and active suggesting there will be a lot inside of the magazine.

The title is black and white which is bright and loud. The explanation mark suggests loud and fun.

“Exclusive” suggest this is the only place you will find this information.

The cover line includes other interesting stories to attract the reader and with a pictures.

The text is straight to the point but tells you what you will see. The text and background contrasts so sticks out and is easier to read.

The barcode Is essential so need to be on the page, its positioned out the way but is still noticeable.

The women on the front cover is well known, this attracts audience that want to know more about Fearne Cotton

Uses a Puff, normal showing a freebie. By using a puff it makes it jump out of the page catching your eye.

This contents page from the music magazine ‘kerrang!’ has unique set up as it has a different lay out to a basic contents page, as it doesn’t have the three columns and is split across the screen.

The titles follows the same design in each issue, it is seen as loud and violent as the headings are large and have a smashed styled font. The smashed font also entitles the type of music the magazine is based on.

The large picture takes up a half of the upper page, this is because this is quite a important part of the magazine, and is likely to be the main attraction of the magazine because he is famous and will attract his fans.

The sub titles are yellow writing on a black background this allows the reader to easily read the writing and notice the categories. also it links the magazine together on this page because the yellow and black are the main colours through out this issue.

This contents page includes a editor’s letter which makes the magazine more personal. The letter is normally saying thank you fro buying the magazine and about the editor.

Contents pages

The layout of this contents page is unlike any other and carries this contents page style throughout every issue, this makes it recognizable .

The magazine pick out features that would appeal the most and anchor them with a page number so it is easily to find and read more about a certain feature.

Red and white are used against the background so that they stand out. The subtitles and numbers for the features are bold which are eye catching and allow the audience to quickly find what they are interested in and where it is.

Uses one man which is stood along side the text, showing he is the main focus on the page.

The contents page has a small division of the categories as ‘cover story’ is singled out because of the sub title.

Mojo contents page uses a simple colour schema of red black and white.

The contents page is unique compared to other magazines as it only uses one image.

The contents page keeps some things similar every issue to keep the magazine recognisable, for example they have a cover story every issue and use the same set out of title and the same font.

They use a grab quote which is separate from everything else on the page, getting them to read more about it .

Three main images as these are the main interests of the magazines, mostly the large magazines would attract extra audience and are the special ordinal stories of the magazines.

The style is very differently set out to the front page, as the contents page shows a lot more information. The contents page is a navigating tool, it helps you locate where the main interest of the magazines are.

Also, the pictures have page numbers on them, this is to show where you can find this piece of information the magazine.

This contents page is a basic design which you would be likely to see in most magazines. It uses three columns and contains more than one image.

The title ‘CONTENTS’ uses the same colour scheme as the magazine each issue which gives identity to the magazine, and can be recognized well .

The magazine picks out the most interesting parts of the magazine, which will attract audience and shows them on the contents page .

This contents page uses large font for the page name for example ‘Fashion’. This is so you can easily find the page and find out what the page will be about and either go straight to the page or to find more out read the smaller font.

The numbers are in a different font to the writing and are large to stand out .

Observers the rule of thirds using columns, this basic layout is used in most double page spreads it allows the writer to divide the text up, get more on one page and is easy to read because it is organized.

What connects the two pages together is that there is a picture of lady Ga Ga and the text on the other side is about Lady Ga Ga.

It is easy to recognise which magazine this is featured in as it contains the logo in the bottom right hand corner. another way the audience can tell it is from the magazine ‘Q’ is that it uses the same house style of colours and font. For example the large ‘L’ is n the same font and colour as the title of the magazine .

The large heading of ‘lady GAGA’ and the large image indicates this article is about the music artist ‘lady GAGA’.

The large ‘S’ catches the audience eye and show that this is the start of the text. The magazine is direction the reader.

This is a double page spread from the magazine ‘Q’ it uses a majority of conventions uses on double page spreads.

Double page spreads

This magazine does not use the rule of thirds but is still easy to follow. The text is informal as it uses questions which or in bold and answers. This informal text would appeal to younger readers possibly 16-20 year olds.

The image is of the artist which is interviewed this connects the two pages together. Also there is a connect between the two pages as a quote had been plucked from the text.

The letter ‘B’ at the start of the text is a pull quote and indicates where to start reading from as the font and size makes it very eye catching. The ‘B’ uses the same font as the magazine title, this would also give the pages recognition.

By having ‘VIIP Q+A’ the audience can recognize which magazine this double page spread is from. The white and pink on black text make it easier to read and eye catching.

The heading is large and bold making it stand out and focus’ on the text below. The heading tells the audience about the music artist and information that pushes the reader to read the copy. As well, The name ‘Dizzee Rascal’ is singled out as it is in a different colour because this is who the article is all about.

The house colour is pink, black and white as they are used throughout the double page spread.

This double page spread has the same basic design conventions but has some differences.

This double page spread uses the rule of three on both pages, where as normally it is just used on one page. The rule of three divides the page up making it easy to read .

The image is continues between the top pages overlapping them this technique connects the two pages together. As well the image connects the pages as the copy talks about the artist.

The house style is used through out to gain recognition. The main colours featured are blue white and black.

The heading stands out as it is large and uses bold text, catching the readers eye. Like the Vip Q+A double page spread the artists name ‘Solange Knowles’ is blue this singles her name out from the text, showing that the copy is focused on her.

At the start of the copy a sentence is in bold and is darker, this is eye catching and encourages the reader to read the whole article, it is called a grab quote ‘grabbing’ the audience in.

Image links to the type of genre magazine as Solange Knowles is a pop artist and this magazine is based upon the genre POP.

Grab quote