Aiykioshi Kitaoka Optical Illusions


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Born in 1961. 1991: Ph.D., Institute of Psychology, University of Tsukuba in 1991. 1991-2001: Staff Scientist, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience. 2001-2006: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University. 2006-present: Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University.2006: The 9th L'ORÉAL Art and Science of Color Prize, the Gold Prize winner

"Blue and yellow spirals: Day and Night"

The blue and yellow spirals in the left half appear to be vivid while those in the right half appear to be dull.

"Cyan spirals"

There appear light-blue and bluish-green spirals, though they are the same color

"Pink and green spirals"

This image consists of blue, cyan (light-blue) and two different levels of gray spirals, there appear to be pinkand green spirals.

"Pink and green spirals 2"

This image consistsof magenta (red-purple), cyan (light-blue) and gray spirals, there appear to be pink and green spirals.

"Illusory purple spirals"

This image consists of onlygreen, but there appear purple spirals.

"White and yellow neckties"

There appear white and yellow neckties, but they are the same white

"Orochi" ("Big snakes")

There appear to be spirals of two different types of green. Actually, they are identical.

"Ascending dragons"

The red is homogeneous over the figure, but appears to be red-purple behind blue lines or to be orange behind yellow lines.

"Plastic Red spirals"

There appear to be spirals of two different types of red. Actually, they are identical

"Spiral color shift illusion"

The upper half shows a white spiral and a black one in the left image while a yellow spiral and a blue one in the right image. The colors of these spirals are quite the same in the lower half, but the colors appear to be similar between the left spirals and the right ones. That is, white appears to be yellowish and black appears to be bluish in the lower-left image, whereas yellow appears to be less vivid and blue appears to be less vivid in the lower-right image. These color effects are based upon the Munker illusion. Moreover, there is a "color-illusion aftereffect". Fixate at a point in the upper half for a while, and look at the corresponding point in the lower half; then the left spirals appear to be more vivid than the right ones though the former are white or black!


"Suns" appear to shine.

"Skirt 2"

There appear two reds though they are the same red.

"Quarrel of sea urchins"

The red in the left sea urchin appears to be different in chroma from the red in the right one, but they are identical.

"An intermediate color ring"

The color of the ring pointed by an arrow in the left image is the same as that in the right image, but they appear to be different from each other.

"Dogs of four colors"

There appear to be dogs of four colors, but actually they are of two colors. This effect depends on the chromatic version of the dungeon illusion.

"Dogs of two colors"

There appear to be dogs of two different colors, but actually they are the same yellow.

"Blue and green turtles"

There appear to be blue turtles and green ones, but actually they are the same color.

"Orange snakes and magenta snakes"

The central curves of the left snakes appear to be orange while those of the right ones appear to be magenta (light red-purple).

"Valentine gift"There appear to be pink hearts and orange ones, though they are identical in color (both are pale red).

"Illusory color hearts"

Gray hearts appear to be tinted pink or orange

"Yellow and white hearts"

There appear to be yellow hearts and white ones, though they are identical in color (both are yellow).


There appears to be searchlight. The circles within each column are the same in color gradation, but the upper two appear to be yellow circles while the lower two appear to be blue ones.

"Yellow moon and blue moon"

There appear to be a yellow circle and a blue one, though they are of the same color gradation.

"Motion of textured paving blocks"Blocks appear to move upward or downward*. In addition, objects are all convex but half of them appear to be concave (the crater illusion).


Lake Hieizan





Mt. Hiei-zan, Kyoto


Lake Ritsumeikan


Ritsumeikan University