Advertise Yourself! - reelyActive at Bluetooth World 2014


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Advertise Yourself!The alternative for indoor location of

Bluetooth Smart devices

Jeffrey Dungen

Co-founder and CEO


Ordre du jour

the Past:Stories of pain

the Present:A world of potential

the Future:A new paradigm?

The Past: Stories of Pain

So, you want to build a low-power

wireless device that can

communicate a few bytes of ID and/or sensor data…

Home Automation Project(2002-2003)

Internet-connected home automation

• Expensive hardware

• Minimal radio integration

• Complicated!!!

Real-Time Location System(2004-2010)

Precisely locate low-power wireless devices in real-time

• DIY radio

• DIY hardware

• DIY wireless protocol, …


Simple, accessible RTLS and wireless sensor network

• DIY wireless protocol



The Present:

A World of PotentialBluetooth Smart:

• Accessible, highly-integrated hardware

• Standard wireless protocol

• Global reach (2.4GHz)

• Ability to send a few bytes of information in an

advertising packet

…everything is finally in place!

Advertising is awesome

Our approach to real-time location has always included

even the simplest, most cost-effective devices.

The devices advertise themselves to fixed

infrastructure which handles the “smarts”.

The awesome alternative?

The billions of smartphones on

this planet take the opposite

approach to indoor location.

Blog post:


Bluetooth Smart can flip this around

Any Bluetooth Smart device, including smartphones,

can (at least technically) advertise itself to its


In September 2013, we showed this principle with iOS

devices running iBeacons

BUT, this is severely restricted by the mobile OS


The future:

a new paradigm?

Smart DevicesThe Internet of People

Smart SpacesThe Internet of Things

Smart Spacesfor dumb (and smart) devices

Smart Spaces can sense, identify and locate the

devices within

Smart Spaces consolidate a real-time understanding of

the world at a human scale

Bluetooth Smart is a key enabler for Smart Spaces

Smart Space applications

All technically possible today


Retail Automation


Example: Live Directory

The challenges moving forward

• Mobile OS

• Privacy & Security

• Standards

• for identifiers

• for metadata

• Infrastructure

1 billion Bluetooth Smart devices shipped last year,

and they’re not all phones!


Jeffrey Dungen

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@reelyActive | +reelyActive

Thanks for your time!