5 Lies that Linux haters Tell by Tushar B Kute



5 Lies that Linux haters Tell by Tushar B Kute Created from makeuseof.com http://tusharkute.com

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5 lies that Linux haters tell

Tushar B Kutetushar@tusharkute.com

http://snashlug.org contact@snashlug.org

Lie #1: Linux Is Too Difficult

Lie #1: Linux Is Too Difficult

● Out of all arguments against using Linux, this one is the most common.

● Is Linux difficult in an absolute sense? No, not really. In fact, if you really look at it from an objective standpoint, it’s arguably the most logical operating system out there. If you want to do something, you just need to learn the right commands and parameters.

● When coming from a blank slate, the hardest part of Linux is learning the sheer depth of commands. Thankfully, the man command (i.e. “manual”) tells you everything you need to know about any command.

Lie #2: Linux Is Old And Ugly

Lie #2: Linux Is Old And Ugly

● Most first impressions of Linux aren’t too great, at least when it comes to aesthetics. Those who have never touched Linux probably imagine it to be nothing more than neon green text on a black background. Those who tried Linux many years ago probably remember the clunky graphics of older versions of Gnome and KDE.

● Linux may have been ugly back in the day, but things are different now.

● One thing to understand is that the Linux frontend (desktop, windows, animations) are decoupled from the Linux backend. There are multiple frontends, called desktop environments, and you can switch between them if you want. This may be a foreign concept for those who are used to Windows and Mac.

Lie #3: You Must Use the Command Line

Lie #3: You Must Use the Command Line

● The Linux stereotype is one of a basement hacker with thick glasses who types frantically on a command line, which is properly known as a terminal. As a result, most people are under the impression that Linux is 99% keyboard.

● The desktop environments mentioned in Lie #2 are just like the graphic environments of Windows and Mac. You can navigate files and folders with your mouse if you want. In fact, it’s entirely possible to use Linux without ever touching the terminal. Perhaps that was true at some point in history, but it hasn’t been like that for a long time.

● However, there is a slight caveat. If you ever run into issues, they’ll be easier to solve if you have some knowledge of the command line.

Lie #4: You Must Build From Source

Lie #4: You Must Build From Source

● Linux downloads often come in source code while Windows and Mac typically come as binaries. One might conclude that Linux requires the user to build all programs from source, but that’s not necessarily true.

● Most distributions come with something called a package manager. In Linux, a package is a collection of files and instructions which are interpreted by the package manager to show where and how those files should be unpacked. Long story short, packages can be used in a way similar to one-click installers.

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Lie #4: You Must Build From Source

● Package managers have an additional benefit: they can tap into various online repositories full of different packages, which means that a manager can often be a one-stop-shop that provides quick installation of most available programs for your particular distribution of Linux.

● Lesser known programs may not be available in these repositories, however, and in those rare cases you may need to build said programs from source. As long as you stick to well-known programs, this may never be an issue for you.

Lie #5: Linux Can’t Play Video Games

Lie #5: Linux Can’t Play Video Games

● One reason why Windows continues to capture a huge share of the market is its de facto standard as “the operating system for gaming.” If you want to play the latest and greatest games, chances are you’ll need a Windows computer or you’ll be out of luck. But anyone who says that Linux can’t play video games at all is a liar.

● Many people don’t realize that there are several high profile games that can be played natively on Linux. Some well-known titles include Amnesia, Civilization V, Dota 2, Half-Life series, World of Goo, but there are more. Combine that with the new Linux release by GOG and the recently released StreamOS, which is a variant of Linux that aims to support every game on the Steam platform, and you’ll see that gaming on Linux has an interesting future. ...continued...

Lie #5: Linux Can’t Play Video Games

● There’s another option, too, and that’s Wine, which is “a free implementation of Windows” on Linux. Not every game will work this way and the games that do run might experience a performance hit. However, it’s a very real option that many use on a regular basis.



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