12 Art Of The Americas


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Olmec Great Pyramid and ball court

Ceremonial center of the city of Teotihuacan

Temple of the Feathered Serpent

Bloodletting Ritual

Base of North Acropolis (left) and Temple I, Tikal

Palace and temple of The Inscriptions (tomb-Pyramid of Lord Pakal), Palenque

Portrait of Lord Pakal

Lady Xok’s Vision of a Giant Snake

Pyramid (“el Castillo”) with Chacmool in foreground, Chichen Itza

Diquis Shaman with Drum and Snake

Paracas Mantle with bird impersonators, detail

Back Strap Loom

Earth drawing (geoglyph) of a hummingbird, Nazca Plain

Moche Lord with a Feline

Great Serpent Mound, Ohio

Poverty Point, LA

Cahokia Mounds

Anthropomorphs, the Great Gallery, Horseshoe (Barrier) Canyon

Pueblo Bonito

Sun dagger solar marker at equinox

Ancient ruins in the Canon De Chelley

Mesa Verde

Mimbres Bowl

Seed jar, Pueblo Culture
